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那首歌的曲调是怎样的?How does that song go?

你需要选择你的曲调。You get to pick the tune.

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发出去年分别时的曲调!Of last year's sundered tune!

那孩子用口哨吹奏愉快的曲调。The boy whistled a happy tune.

预言的回声发出悲凉的曲调。Prophetic echoes flung dim melody.

我们觉得曲调已经平稳We're feeling tonally stable there.

这支歌是根据一首古老的民歌曲调创作的。This song is based on an old folk tune.

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我不知道曲名,但听得出这曲调。I don't know the title but I recognize the tune.

在爵士乐中,即兴反复片段是一个简单的曲调音型。In jazz music, a riff ias simple melodic figure.

让我们用红河谷的曲调唱这些词。Let's sing these lines to the tune of Red Vally.

我对这个还有点生,但我能弹几个曲调。I'm still green at this, but I can play a few tunes.

他所作的曲调让乐团中的每位成员都有机会露一手。The tunes he composed gave each member a chance to shine.

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在法庭上,她们证明,实际上她们拥有这首歌曲调的版权。In court, they proved that they, indeed, owned the melody.

唱词清楚,曲调动听,成为有名的民歌手。Libretto clear melody sounds, become a famous folk singer.

夜色降临,喇叭里传来地方戏的曲调。Night fell. From the loud speakers came local opera tunes.

音乐中的织体是曲调线的分布Texture in music is the dispositions of the musical lines.

它们节奏规整,曲调细腻委婉。They form genre of folksongs with exquisitely subtle tunes.

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曲调旋律、思想观念、时髦用语等都是模因的表现形式。The forms of memes are tunes, ideas, catch-phrases and so on.

不同于“快变”的是,每一个曲调只需要一个声音库参考要素。Unlike Shazam, only one library reference per tune is needed.

她微笑一下然后走开了,旋律变成了比利乔的曲调。She smiled and left, and the music changed to Billy Joel tune.