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天太热,连慢慢散步都吃不消。It was too hot even for a gentle stroll.

太多的重复在心理上或吃不消。Too much repetition is hard on the mind.

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所有的这些东西会让你感觉到吃不消。All of this stuff can feel a bit overwhelming.

然后我们都安静了下来,我想大概是因为大家都吃不消这样费力的交流方式吧!We grew quiet, both, I think, weary from the labored exchange.

如果你吃不消,你就再在家呆着修养。If it gets to be too much for you, you`ll just stay home again.

哈!吃不消的人多的是。露面,他的女儿。法国人。是谁?Hah! Many suffer with it. Lucie. His daughter. French. Which is she?

刚开始的时候,我还真有点吃不消,没走多远就累得上气不接下气。At the very beginning, I felt very tired. I got out of breath so easily.

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真让人吃不消,我现在得连夜开车下台南出差。This is just too much. Now I have to drive to Tainan tonight for business.

但杨佩红担心,长途旅行可能会令上了年纪的父母吃不消。But Yang was worried that the long journey would be tough on her aged parents.

这可叫它吃不消,它沿着街一溜烟跑了,号得像一只烫伤的猫。It was too much for him and he took off down the street, squalling like a scalded cat.

哪怕一个长于三到四段的帖子都让我吃不消,我只能略微浏览一下。Even a blog post of more than three or four paragraphs is too much to absorb. I skim it.

生意越来越好,王莉的身体却感到吃不消了,经常感到头晕目眩,食欲也越来越差。She often felt dizzy and had an increasingly poor appetite. It lasted for several months.

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帕格一时不知所措,而后意识到这种叫人吃不消的取笑是存心表示亲热。Nonplussed for a moment, Pug realized that the heavy pleasantry was intended as a kindness.

放松点,老兄。再这样搜寻下去的话,你的传动器可吃不消!You gotta loosen up, bro. You keep searching like that and your transmission will wear out!

随着节点的增加,所有通知的流动会让您的网络吃不消。As nodes are added, this can begin to swamp your network with all the notifications flowing.

可是我有点担心,你走完三千二百万次以后,恐怕便吃不消了。But I am a bit worried, after you go through 32 million times, I am afraid that too much of.

哎呀,我几乎撑不住了,好几次腿都麻了,坐在那里一坐就十几个小时,真吃不消。Barely made it. Gotta strech my legs a coupla times. Sitting at one spot more than ten hours.

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也许,有些人会因为过多的“人情债”而吃不消,甚至成了生活中的负担。Maybe someone can't stand for too much debt of gratitude, which even turns into burden in life.

西里奇说“打了三场都是五局的比赛让我有点吃不消,我会战斗到最后。”Mr. Cilic "played three five-set matches and made it so tough for me and fought until the end."

他们那种神气十足的官僚架子实在叫人吃不消。Their overbearing bureaucracy and their self-satisfied airs are really more than one can stand.