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倘君指挥有方,人人欣然听命。If you command wisely, youll be obeyed cheerfully.

只有学会听命于人才,方能学会施命于人。Only learn to obey command can you command others.

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他们仍旧会听命于旧有的压迫集团成员。They’ll still obey what the oppressing group says.

所有人都完全听命于苏丹王,由着他随心所欲。Everyone was entirely subject to the whim of the Sultan.

现在他强迫国会听命于自己的率性政治。Now he is subjecting Parliament to prime-ministerial whim.

弱小的狼都会听命于头狼。The smaller, weaker wolves knew how to obey the wolf leader.

她拒不听命于她的父亲,结果她父亲在遗嘱中连一个子儿也没留给她。His father cut her off without a shilling when she refused to obey him.

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为什么美国军队要听命于布特罗斯-加利和海军上将豪?Why were American forces doing Boutros-Ghali’s and Admiral Howe’s bidding?

你召唤出一个野蛮瘦长的阴暗模糊的生物,完全听命于你。You summon a feral, gangly creature of shadow and mist to do your bidding.

他听命于众神,这样一来他们便能轻松度日。He shall be charged with the service of the gods That they might be at ease.

他贬抑自己,听命至死,且死在十字架上。He humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the cross.

他号召俗众不去参加那些拒不听命的祭司为人举行的弥撒。He called on the laity not to attend mass when celebrated by a recalcitrant priest.

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一个独立的司法系统不听命于民选官员的意志。An independent judiciary is one that is not subject to the whims of elected officials.

支中的所有的其他人元或天干,永远听命于他,受命于他而不能自己作主。In all other human or heavenly stems, never listens to him, under his and not its own.

卡罗尔向公司辞了职,因为她再也不愿听命于乔治。Carol resigned from the company because she was tired of playing second fiddle to George.

这个岛屿获得了相对安全的独立,但是仍听命于Ummayads.The island negotiated a relatively secure independence, but paid tribute to the Ummayads.

“蔚蓝之槌”指挥部和阿纳克斯堡垒这两个单位直接听命于他直到雅汶之战爆发。Azure Hammer Command and the Anaxes Citadel would answer to him until the Battle of Yavin.

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在这个宁静的水镇里,生活的脚步似乎完全听命于那淌着潺潺流水的河流。In this tranquility, the pace of life seems to be harmoniously subject to the gurgling streams.

埃及是一个由机构治理的国家,但所有的政权机构一直都听命于总统。Egypt is a state of institutions -- but those institutions have all been accountable to the presidency.

在战争期间,放逐者是一名将领,直接听命与瑞文和马拉克。The Exile served as a general directly under the command of Revan and Malak during the Mandalorian Wars.