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生命的要务是奋力向前。The business of life is to go-forward.

我的道途与人生志业是我最优先的要务。My path and life's work are my highest priorities.

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记得第一要务就是不要批语别人。The first thing to remember is not to criticize anyone.

当选后,他也把酒精饮品的解禁当做了第一要务。He made it his number-one priority when he was in office.

其次,第一要务是避免世界经济自由式落体即便我们有着对自由落体的需要。Second, the highest priority is to halt the free-fall in demand.

负责人员说,反欺诈已经成为2007年的头等要务。Executives say combatting scams has become the top priority for 2007.

当然,这些都是数周之后的事情了,眼下的第一要务还是救人。But all this is for the weeks ahead. Just now the task is to save lives.

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企业必须把职工队伍的素质建设作为企业发展的第一要务。Enterprise should regard building staff's quality as its first business.

把这些救灾物质送到洪灾区是当前的第一要务。Bringing these rescue material to the flood-hit area is the top priority.

初学净土者,宜以培植坚固信愿为要务。Pure Land beginners who wish to cultivate strong letter ready to service.

把这些救灾物质送到洪灾区是当前的第一要务。It is number-one priority to deliver these relief supplies to flood-hit areas.

2009年余下的日子,你的计划和优先要务是否反映了耶和华的心愿?Do your plans and priorities for the rest of 2009 mirror what the Lord desires?

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现在看来,科索尔政府的第一要务就是制订一个更为现实的预算方案。The first task of Ms Kosor's government will be to prepare a more realistic one.

发展是我们党执政兴国的第一要务。Development is the Party’s top priority in governing and rejuvenating the country.

1927年,人们认为城市应该将交通方便作为第一要务。In 1927, we imagined that cities would make ease of transportation its main priority.

科研工作是农业科研院所第一要务。Scienctific research is the first important affair of an agricultural science institutes.

驱使我获得成功的第一要务是,告诉自己有些事情不能做。The number-one thing that will drive me to succeed is to tell me that I can't do something.

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因此新任竞争事务专员杰奎英•阿尔穆尼亚的第一要务就是将其解决掉。The priority of the new competition commissioner, Joaquín Almunia, must be to address them.

先做要务,抑制做计划以外事情的冲动,回顾检查你的活动。Do first things first. Resist your impulses to do unscheduled tasks. Review your activities.

直角尺让我在评价他人的时候,不要忘了客观公正。任何社会的第一要务都是公正。The SOUARE for using fairness in my judgment of others. The first duty of society is fairness.