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他是我的老上级。He is my old chief.

他是我曩昔的上级。He is my sometime boss.

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他总是违抗上级。He always defied his superiors.

她向上级法院上诉。She appealed to a higher court.

他被他的上级怀疑。He was suspected by his superior.

上级交代的其他任务。Other tasks assigned by Superior.

他被上级长官狠狠鞭打了一顿。He's heavily horsed by the officer.

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完成上级领导分配的其他任务。Accomplish the task from the leader.

完成上级布置的任务。Complete all of tasks from higher-up.

随声附和他上级的每一句话。He echoed every word of his superior.

请求人事或者上级的指导。Ask for coaching from HRor higher-ups.

他很快就受到了上级的赏识。Soon he was caressed by his superiors.

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他对上级很谦卑。He is very humble towards his superiors.

他无视上级擅自行动。He acted without reference to his superior.

他惟上级之命是从。He has no superior as a Shakespearian actor.

上级将在什么时候调动托尼和丹尼斯的工作。When will the high-up switch Tony and Denis?

依凡猜想他的上级一定会拒绝他。Ivan supposed that his superior must refuse him.

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他蔑视他的上级挥霍浪费。He thinks scorn of wastefulness in his superiors.

每一个人都有自己的上级,自己的下属。Everyone has their superiors, and their inferiors.

上级的衡量往往是平均而笼统的。The superior's measurments are often equally vague.