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药房在哪里?Where is the pharmacy ?

这附近哪里有西药房?Where is the closest pharmacy?

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药房老板拥有一家小店。The druggist owns a small store.

你把它拿到药房去取药。Please take it to the dispensary.

您可以申请国大药房会员卡,会员卡是免费的。You may apply for VIP card for free.

把这件处方”。’笺’。”拿到药房去。Take this prescription to the pharmacy.

如果用光了,我可以找一个药房停下来。And if it runs out I can stop at a drug-store.

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在药房买药比较贵。It is expensive to buy medicines in drugstores.

请拿这个处方去药房抓药。Please take this prescription to the drugstore.

这是药方。待会儿你拿到药房去配药。Here is a prescription. Take it to the chemist’s.

中译对的。先去批价处,然后去药房。Go to the billing office first, then the pharmacy.

请到急诊药房取药。Please go to emergency pharmacy for your medicines.

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拿着这个药方去药房买药。Take this prescription to a pharmacy and buy medicine.

这是我开的处方,拿它到药房取药。Here's my prescription. Please take it to the pharmacy.

方法分析大理市零售药房现状。MethodsAnalyzing actuality of retail pharmacies in Dali.

这是我开的处方,请拿它到药房取药。Here's my prescription. Please take it to the dispensary.

挂号处护士会告诉你药房的位置。The reception nurse will give you directions to the pharmacy.

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药房,实验室和办公区在东翼。The pharmacy, laboratory and office area occupy the east wing.

在发达国家,人们很容易就能在当地的药房买到老花眼镜。In the North, we fix the problem easily at the local drugstore.

抽烟的老女人告诉她的朋友可以在药房买到保险套。Smoke-old woman told her friends can buy condoms in pharmacies.