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一条狗跳过了篱笆。A dog jumped the fence.

他倾身于篱笆上。He leaned over the fence.

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多么疏淡,篱笆无声!How nonchalant the Hedge!

石南篱笆的纠缠。A tangled fence of briars.

他们的园子是用篱笆围起来的。Their garden was paled out.

跑步者越过篱笆。The runner hurdled the fence.

多伊尔蹲在篱笆后面。Doyle crouched behind a hedge.

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小白鹅Goldie来到篱笆门。Goldie goose goes to the gate.

他纵马跃过篱笆。He put his horse over a fence.

命运象被风吹打的篱笆。Fate as the wind hit the fence.

我内人油漆后院的篱笆。My wife painted the back fence.

您的马能越过那篱笆吗?。Can your horse clear that hedge?

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有好邻家才有好篱笆。Good neighbors make good fences.

他纵身一跃跳过了篱笆。He swung himself over the fence.

农夫将他的花园用篱笆围起。The farmer fenced in his garden.

篱笆一直延伸到牧草地。The fence extends to the meadow.

篱笆上长了那么多蔷薇花!How full the hedges are of roses!

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小男孩跨坐在篱笆上。The boy was bestriding the fence.

花园周围修有篱笆。The garden was ringed with fence.

沙沿着篱笆堆积起来。The sand drifted along the fence.