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冷杉的枝条平衡着雪。Fir branches balance the snow.

一般是一棵松树或者冷杉。It is usually a pine or a fir.

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这条路上铺满了冷杉针叶。The road was covered with fir needles.

冷杉分泌出一种质地优良的松树胶。The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine.

那是小冷杉完全无法容忍的。That, the little fir-tree couldn't stand at all.

繁峙臭冷杉省级自然保护区。Fanshi Abies nephrolepis Provincial Nature Reserve.

高大的冷杉的树针一根根从树上掉下来。The huge fir trees dropping their needles one by one.

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松、冷杉、云杉一类的树木是软木材。The softwoods are such trees as pine, fir and spruce.

四周多草甸、箭竹林、冷杉、高山杜鹃。More around the meadow, arrow bamboo, fir, alpine cuckoo.

冷杉的树干是黑色的,而树冠则披着白色。The fir tree is black at the trunk, white out at the edges.

鲍尔曼曾研究过道格拉斯冷杉种子产量地区间的差异。Bolman has studied regional variation in Douglas fir seed yields.

瓶中的绿色液体是一种不含酒精的冷杉树汁鸡尾酒。The green liquid in the bottle is a non-alcoholic firtree coctail.

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孤峰乡坐落在植被茂密的山里,满是冷杉和竹林。Gufeng sits among lush hills covered with dense fir and bamboo forests.

屋外,星光从一排参差的冷杉树梢上透进窗子。Outside, the stars shone through the window above a jagged row of firs.

中国黑龙江省冷杉属新增的一种新杂种。On Abies sibirica and a new hybrid of the genus Abies in Heilungkiang, China.

冷杉林木腐朽程度是冷杉林分质量变化的重要标志。The rotten degree of fir trees is an important sign of quality of Abies forest.

这是一个非常小的冷杉树,配有银纸和彩灯。This is a very small fir tree, which is decorated with silver and colored lights.

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通过这个研究,研究者记录下香脂冷杉的年轮的宽度。During the study, researchers recorded the width of the tree rings of balsam firs.

铁杉、红香椿、香脂冷杉枞都是发现于英属哥伦比亚的其他树种。Hemlock red cedar and balsam fir are among the other trees found in british columbia.

主要小屋的积木墙由从基地收获的道格拉斯冷杉木制成。The main cabin has cordwood walls made of Douglas fir that was harvested from the site.