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交叉试验。Cross-over trials.

在动物体上试验。Testing in Animals.

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你是说试验?Experimenting, you say?

进行了耐水洗试验。Wash-wear test is done.

过电流脱扣试验。Over-current relay test.

本试验仅是其中的一例。This test is one of them.

雾笛效用试验。Function test of fog horn.

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腰大肌牵张试验显阴性。Psoas stretch is negative.

我没有试验使用大和炮。I did not try using Yamato.

什么是试验注册?What is trial registration?

我决定试验一下我的理论。I decided to test my theory.

低压脱扣试验。Under voltage tripping test.

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在沙漠上的试验。The experiment in the desert.

用瓷漆做了一次试验。Experiments with enamel paint.

在阿勒泰等地试验结果类同。Results in Altai were similar.

这需要一些试验。That takes some experimenting.

我的观点还在“试验期”。My opinions are "experimental."

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不蕴含毒素,无动物试验。Free Of Toxins and animal testing.

对转喷器系统进行功能试验。Function test the diverter system.

大陆航空开始在休斯顿乔治布什洲际机场的登机门试验自助登机服务系统。First self-service check-in kiosks.