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罪有应得。You deserved it.

他是罪有应得的吗?Did he deserve it?

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我死,她死,都是我罪有应得。I deserved my death and hers.

这些罪犯被关到坚牢是罪有应得。Those criminals deserve to be locked up in jail.

我所但愿的就是看你罪有应得。弑亲者在神人眼里都活该受诅咒。The gods re blind. nd men see only wht they wish.

“我罪有应得,”他说,“把我投入大牢是我自作自受。”"I deserved to be punished, " he said. "I deserved to go to jail."

我向你坦诚,我是个罪人,我罪有应得。I confess that I’m a sinner and that I deserve the death you died for me.

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他们还是把马库斯的受罚看成了罪有应得。马库斯与动物不再是冤家对头了。They accepted his punishment as a due reward. It was no longer the animals versus Marcus.

但反对者认为,霍氏侵吞大量国有资产,罪有应得。But opponents believe that Mikhail Khodorkovsky embezzled a large number of state-owned assets, deserved.

比如说,有一次在加戈斯洛的维塞尔斯百货商店的经历非常尴尬。但说真的,这是我罪有应得。One embarrassing thing happened at the Wessels department store out at Jägersro, for example. But honestly, I deserved it.

Lincoln迟疑不决,上次他们交谈时,Veronica还说他是大话王,而且觉得法官判他死刑是“罪有应得”。Lincoln is hesitant. The last time they spoke she called him a liar and suspected that the judge who sentenced him to death “got it right.”

对那些犯错但愿意自我检讨的人而言,上帝的责骂惩罚是令他们痛苦的,因为他们一方面觉得自己罪有应得,一方面觉得让上帝忧心是很不对的。His chiding is very painful to those who are true, because they feel how sadly they deserve it and how wrong it is on their part to grieve Him.

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尽管那位对Begum图谋不轨的男人是罪有应得,但是想到自己的老二被装在塑料袋里足以让每个男人蛋疼。Even though Begum's attacker certainly deserved what he got, the idea of a set of male genitals in a plastic bag is enough to give any man nightmares.

人们太容易轻信他们罪有应得,即便其中有些人创造工作岗位,发明东西,让我们的生活更轻松。It’s too easy to believe that they deserve the opprobrium that’s thrown at them, even if some of them create jobs and invent things to make our lives easier.

当我们说“他罪有应得”这句话的时候,我们部分承认了某种特定的环境使得正义自动地起了作用。When we use a phrase like 'it serves him right', we are, in part, admitting that a certain set of circumstances has enabled justice to act of its own accord.

如果我们撒谎,偷窃,贪念,觊觎一些属于别人的东西,或者或者其他一些把我们和上帝分开的罪恶,那么我们罪有应得。If we have lied, stolen, lusted, desired something that belongs to someone else, or any other number of sins that would separate us from God, then we deserve eternal death.

直到这个星期,受害者似乎是些名人、政论家、政治家和其他记者,那种在英国人心中被认为罪有应得的人。Until this week the victims seemed to be celebrities, publicists, politicians and other journalists—the sort of people who, in the British mind, probably deserve what they get.