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到第二波攻击结束时,只剩下五艘驱逐舰和一艘运输舰。When the Allied bombers left, all that existed were five destroyers and a transport.

船坞运输舰LPD有飞行甲板,通常设在坞舱上方,可供多至5架直升机作业。An LPD also has a flight deck, usually aft over the well-deck, for operating up to five helicopters.

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当地时间20日,美国海军一艘核潜艇和一艘运输舰在霍尔木兹海峡相撞,造成至少15名船员受轻伤。A nuclear-powered Navy submarine collided with another US warship in the narrow Strait of Hormuz Friday.

巴格拉战船是阿拉伯式远程运输舰,配有舷炮,极为适合运输部队和军需物资。Arabic long distance sailing ship, with mounted swivel guns, useful for transporting troops and supplies.

是否战舰可以用做运送军队,或者有专门的运输舰负责?Can any military ship be used for troop transportation or are there specific transport ships for this purpose?

虽然被命名为运输舰,但这种飞船配备了足够的火力,使其不需要搭载兵力就能成为巨大的威胁。Though designated a transport, the vessel carries enough firepower to be a considerable threat without its carried forces.

在1964年7月11日,6605型“长辛店”、“沙家店”号扫雷舰和一艘01型“衡阳”号护卫舰拦截台湾海军的一艘“满庆升”号运输舰。On 11 July 1964, a Type 6605 minesweeper and a Type 01 frigate intercepted a small transport Manqingsheng of the Taiwanese Navy.

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目前,菲律宾海军使用越南时代美国制造的运输舰和炮艇,以及二手英国护卫舰等。Currently, the Philippines, Vietnam era U. S. Navy transport ships and gunboats made, and second-hand British frigates and so on.

去年,为防范索马里海盗,首次部署了071型两栖运输舰,不过护航行动平平淡淡地过去了。Last year, the first deployment of the Type 071 amphibious transport vessel to anti-piracy duties off Somalia passed uneventfully.

美国的航空母舰和运输舰在洪水爆发之后抢救疏散成千上万民众的景象仍然在冲击着我的头脑。Those images of the US aircraft carriers and transport ships evacuating thousands in the wake of the flooding still stick in my mind.

克隆人战争开始时,共和国使用这种巨大的运输舰把克隆人部队运送到吉奥诺西斯战场。At the start of the Clone Wars, the Republic used these titanic transport vessels to deliver clone troopers to the battlefields of Geonosis.

腐败的官僚能轻易加以贿赂,让部分闪耀末货物「失踪」,结果出现在黑阳犯罪组织或赫特族的运输舰上。Corrupt officials could easily be bribed to let portions of glitterstim cargoes go "missing, " only to show up on Black Sun or Hutt freighters.

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当时美国两栖运输舰已抵达湛江,与中国海军进行联合搜救演习,以促进两军的理解与合作。American amphibious transport ships had arrived for a joint search-and-rescue exercise with the Chinese navy meant to promote understanding and cooperation.

虽然庞大,但这种运输舰能在行星大气层内运行和着陆,把数以百计的士兵及其运载工具投放到战场上。Though large, the transports were capable of operating and landing within a planetary atmosphere, deploying hundreds of troops and their vehicles into combat.

这3艘战舰分别是“巴丹岛”号两栖攻击舰、“弗德台地”号两栖船坞运输舰与“惠德比岛”号船坞登陆舰。This three ships are the "Bataan Island" No. amphibious assault ship, "Verde platform" was the amphibious transport dock ship with "whidbey island" No dock landing ship.

如今,第二艘071型运输舰即将建造完工,中国的军事观察家预计,中国将一共建造六艘071型运输舰,以及六艘平甲板直升机航母。Today, as a second Type 071 transport nears completion, local observers now expect China to build up to six Type 071 vessels along with six flat-deck helicopter carriers.

从今年一月起,这艘1.7万吨的两栖船坞运输舰定期轮流停泊在西非海岸上的五个大港,成为一座浮动教室,协助训练西非当地的海军。Since January the 17,000-tonne amphibious transport ship has been a floating classroom, stopping off at five ports along Africa’s western coast to help train local navies.

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它们中有坦克残骸、拖拉机残骸、大炮残骸、失事船只残骸,包括海军运输舰、日本帝国海军驱逐舰残骸,甚至还有一些战士们的个人物件如头盔什么的。They include tanks, tractors, artillery, shipwrecks, including naval transport vessels, debris from Japanese Imperial Navy destroyers and even personal items from soldiers such as helmets.

在两栖登陆战中,除非在战斗移动阶段结束时,至少有一艘己方的水面舰艇停留在要登陆的海区,否则运输舰不能在有敌方潜艇存在的海区卸载地面部队。Movement between Hawaii and the Philippines is the one exception. When moving between Hawaii and the Philippines or vise a versa loaded transports may end their movements in sea zones 22 or 23.