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然后把应有的强奏加入。Then add the forte.

这应有用户决定吧,我想。I guess its upto our users!

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他受到了应有的表扬。He was accorded the praise due him.

他们还要对他主人尽应有的义务。And they owed certain duties to him.

刮胡刀应有锐利的刀锋。A razor should have a very sharp blade.

它还应有一个洗脚的位置。It should have a seat for foot washing.

中国!我们应强硬!应有行动。China! We must be strong! We mb ust act.

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每个地方都有本应有的缺陷。Every place has its fair share of flaws.

宫教授应有平等尊重。Professor Miyagawa deserves equal respect.

她也是每个人都应有的好朋友。She is the friend that everybody deserves.

兼听则明,说话应有爱心。Listen to understand, then speak with love.

他们没有应有军事化的脱着。They should not have military-like dresses.

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我难道不该为我的所作所为得到应有的惩罚么?Shouldn’t I be punished for what I have done?

城市雕塑应有甚麽功能?What functions should urban sculptures carry?

我祝愿她们都得到应有的幸福。I wish them both all the success they deserve.

主甲板上应有堆放引水员软梯的场所。Storage position of pilot ladder on main deck.

设备应有铭牌。The equipments shall have relevant nameplates.

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这才是经济霸主应有的规模。This is what economic hegemony will look like.

吸虫并没有受到应有的重视。Trematodes don't get the respect they deserve.

④施术医师应有丰富的全髋关节置换术的经验。The doctors should have rich experience of THA.