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怎么了?没戴橡树叶的花圈?。What?No wreath of oak leaves?

大概是在装花圈哪。Stowing in the wreaths probably.

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他们用花编成了一个花圈。They twisted flowers into a wreath.

他们在用冬青枝编一个花圈。They were twining holly into a wreath.

烈士墓前安放着花圈。Wreaths were laid at the martyr's tomb.

在一个安全的绢花花圈线。Secure silk flowers in a wreath with wire.

幸存者在海面上放了一些花圈。Vivors put some wreathes on the sea surface.

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在响亮的号角声中花圈被献在纪念碑前。A wreath was laid on the monument to a fanfare of trumpets.

塔隆觉得这次蓬勒他们送来的花圈竟然还给我们加分了。Telon find wreath from the peng, they should also add cent.

十天前,有人给石国豹家门口放了花圈。Ten days ago, someone give Shi Guobao home placed a wreath.

我们排着队,来到纪念碑前,献上亲手做的花圈。We lined up to front of the monument, presented hand-made wreaths.

背靠雄县花圈、天津拉花基地。Backed Xiongxian county wreath at the base in Tianjin spent widening.

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今天,许多花圈是由罗斯玛丽的象征悼念。Today, many wreaths are made from Rosemary as a symbol of remembrance.

把一个花圈分解开,把纸花都钉在一个帐篷内壁。Split up a wreath of paper flowers, and pin those flowers inside a tent.

有些人也卖花圈,或者买雏菊,装载棕色塑料罐里。Some of them have wreaths too, or they sell daisies in brown plastic pots.

那瓶玫瑰还在高高的花圈和枝丫上放着。The bootee of roses sat at its foot, towered over by tall wreaths3 and sprays.

所有来访的国家元首敬献花圈都是外交礼仪。It is diplomatic protocol for all visiting heads of state to lay a wreath here.

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同日,曾庆红还向秘鲁独立先驱纪念碑敬献了花圈。On the same day Zeng also laid a wreath to the Monument of Independence of Peru.

我颈上戴过爱人手织的醉花的花圈,作为晚装。I have worn round my neck the evening wreath of baklas woven by the hand of love.

当天上午,胡锦涛还向胡志明主席陵敬献了花圈。On the morning of the same day, Hu also laid wreath at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.