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为什么说凤仙花“急不可待”?Why might balsam be described as impatient?

他们在后院里种了些凤仙花。They planted some garden balsams in the backyard.

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而一年生植物凤仙花绽放在阴影出。There are also annuals, primarily impatiens, that bloom in the shade.

我以我的良人为一棵凤仙花,在隐基底的葡萄园中。My beloved is unto me as a cluster of camphire in the vineyards of Engedi.

一个栽种了凤仙花的大赤陶罐里开出了明艳如火的花朵。A large terracotta pot planted with Busy Lizzie provides a fiery bright red display.

一些最受欢迎的花有菊花,凤仙花和喇叭花。Some of the most popular bedding flowers are chrysanthemums, impatiens and petunias.

你所栽种的是一所石榴园,有极美的果子,有凤仙花和哪达树。Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates with choice fruits , with henna and nard.

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本种的特点为花瓣平展,不同于其它凤仙花。The characteristic that this planting is petaline open and flat, unlike other balsamine.

到目前为止,花盆里的秋海棠、凤仙花和伽蓝菜看起来还是完好无缺的。Thus far, the begonias and impatiens and kalanchoes in the planters all looked to be intact.

在凤仙花的虫害中,最主要的是螨,即常说的红蜘蛛。In the insect pest of balsamine , the mainest is mite, the red spider that often says namely.

美丽深邃的红宝石色,红色果实和凤仙花香,单宁柔和而强劲,带有优雅木香。Ruby color, aroma of red fruit and a hint of balsam, an attack and mid-palate of tannins, woody elegance.

为了吸引其他蜂鸟,我开始载种它们喜爱的植物--呆钟花、蜜蜂花、红花半边莲、凤仙花等。To entice others I began growing their favourite plants--fuchsia bee balm cardinal flowers touch-me-nots.

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不对,我在作弄自己。假装自己心中充满雏菊和凤仙花。Not that, I'm making fun of myself. I'm pretending i'm a nice sensible charm of daisies and garden balsams.

说明凤仙花籽油在医药、保健品等领域具有广阔的开发应用前景。The study indicated that the Impatiens balsamina Linn seed oil had wide prospect in medicine, health food etc.

而这项新研究把视线转移到了地面上的分享,来自加拿大麦克马斯特大学的研究人员在实验室中盆栽了一种名叫北美凤仙花的植物作为研究对象。This new study is the first to look above ground. Researchers at McMaster University in Canada potted North American impatiens.

学习如何使用闪光胶,使装饰艺术凤仙花指甲花设计技巧与专家在此免费视频剪辑艺术和手工艺。Learn how to use glitter glue to make henna embellished art with expert henna design tips in this free arts and crafts video clip.

至于阶前花圃中的草茉莉、凤仙花、牵牛花、扁豆花,更是四合院的家常美景了。As for the former band of grass jasmine flowers, impatiens, morning glory, hyacinth bean flowers, it is a beautiful courtyard of the home.

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了解如何使镀金粘贴使用专家凤仙花指甲花艺术设计点缀在这个自由的艺术和手工艺视频剪辑技巧。Learn how to make the gilded paste to use for henna art embellishment with expert henna design tips in this free arts and crafts video clip.

睫毛萼凤仙花适宜在土壤水分充足、植株密度不高的生境中生长。The overall results indicated that I. blepharosepala Pritz. ex Diels should grow in the habitat with enough soil water and low density plants.

采用毛细管气相色谱法分析了凤仙花籽油的脂肪酸组成及相对含量。The fatty acid composition of Impatiens balsamina Linn seed oil was analysed qualitatively and quantitatively by capillary column gas chromatography.