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它摸上去冷冰冰、硬邦邦的。这是一个盒子。It feels cold and hard. It is a box.

新鞋刚穿起来常常都是硬邦邦的。Shoes are often stiff when they are new.

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鼻屎可以是湿软的,也可以是粘滑的,或者硬邦邦的。Boogers can be squishy and slimy or tough.

这张床硬邦邦的,我怎么睡也睡不着。The bed was so hard that I couldn't sleep.

放在卧室里的衣服都冻得硬邦邦的。Clothes stored in my bedroom froze crunchy.

当加入适量水后,燕窝会由开始时硬邦邦的状态转变成凝胶状。When combined with water, the hard nests take on a gelatinous texture.

而在炉火上煮的普通锅,里面的鸡现在还是硬邦邦,不容易撕开。But the chook which in the normal one is still hard and can not be eat!

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另外,尽管需要正确的跑姿,但是,您应该保持放松—别硬邦邦的。Still, despite the need for good running posture, stay loose—not rigid.

我每天晚上回家,都会发现一只小猫硬邦邦地倒在地上,牙床暴在外面。Every evening, when I arrived home, I would find one lying stiff, its gums laid bare.

想要瘦腿,就一定要先打松自己的腿,不然肌肉硬邦邦的,瘦腿又怎么能成功呢?Want thin leg, he must first dozen loose their legs, or muscle stiff, thin leg and how to succeed?

他身上挂着一根粗粗的表链,满嘴满脸都是硬邦邦黑乎乎的胡子根,如果他愿意留的话,肯定是个大胡子。He had a large watch-chain and strong black dots where his beard and whiskers would have been if he had let them.

他几乎很少用定型剂,“我不认为一位男士顶着一头硬邦邦的头发会显得时髦性感。”He uses hairspray very sparingly. 'I don't think that it looks modern or sexy if a man's hair is stiff, ' he says.

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我以为这是因为整个下午都坐在一个硬邦邦的观众席位上的缘故,幸好比赛还算精彩。I assumed it was due to spending an entire afternoon, albeit a glorious one, perched on a rather hard spectator's seat.

我以为这是因为整个下午都坐在一个硬邦邦的观众席位上的缘故,幸好比赛还算精彩。I assumed it was due to spending an entire afternoon, albeit a glorious one, perched on a rather hard spectator’s seat.

他睡在硬邦邦的床上,食物仅够糊口,但是他学会知足常乐,不再奢望成为自己以外的存在。His bed was hard and his food scanty,but he had learned to be satisfied with it and did not long to be something or somebody else.

他睡在硬邦邦的床上,食物仅够糊口,但是他学会知足常乐,不再奢望成为自己以外的存在。His bed was hard and his food scanty, but he had learned to be satisfied with it and did not long to be something or somebody else.

这种车子通常都是外观简陋、毫无新意,汽车内饰的衬垫很薄,舒适度差,充斥着大量丑陋的硬邦邦的塑料。Their exteriors are often plain and uninspiring and their thinly-padded interiors are short on comfort but long on ugly hard plastic.

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可怜的清洁工抡起铁锨,在两棵树中间深深的挖了下去,过了没多久,铁锨碰到了一个硬邦邦的东西。Taking his shovel, the poor sweeper dug a deep hole among the roots of the trees. After several moments, his shovel hit something hard!

“费这么大力气定出的这些硬邦邦的法规条文,还不如在学校里安排一些亲子讲座,让家长和学生一起学习交流,这样的效果可能会更好。”她说。"Instead of legislation, we need something like a lecture program to teach parents and children how to talk with each other freely. " she said.

他们用新技术制造了一种有弹性的超级材料膜,可以避免使用硬邦邦的小原子制成的材料。They have produced flexible metamaterial 'membranes' using a new technique that frees the meta-atoms from the hard surface they are constructed on.