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他用卜杖在我的农场中探测水源。He divined water on my farm.

围场也需要水源。The p paddocks will need water.

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它会污染水源。It can pollute the water resouce.

停电,水源枯竭,油价上窜。Power, water depletion, gas channeling.

政府的水源管理也是一团乱。The governance of water is also a mess.

空气水源被严重污染了。As the air thickens and the water saurs.

总的说来水源基本清洁。In general, the water resourse in clean.

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意为“切断、切下”指切断电源,水源,煤气等。He cut off the gas when a fire breaks out.

魔术师或探测水源的人使用的棍棒。A baton used by a magician or water diviner.

清洁的水源意味着孩子有时间可以玩乐Clean water means children have time to play.

水源重地,闲人免进。Source of water, no entry without permission.

树木凭借他们庞大的根系来储藏水源。Trees conserve water with their large roots.

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没有电话线,用发电机发电,打井来供应水源。A generator for electricity. A well for water.

水源学院还在加利福尼亚开设了一所学校。Wellspring also runs an academy in California.

不过,争夺水源的战斗也导致了对话。Yet fights over water have also led to dialogue.

国因河溪多而水源充足。Our country is well watered by rivers and brooks.

则正在运输水和水源净化器。is sending water and water purification supplies.

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魔术师或探测水源的人使用的棍棒。A stick or baton used by a magician, conjurer, or.

它们曾经在夜晚给予我们光亮和水源。They used to give us light in the night and water.

水源热泵的关键技术在于水井。Water-source heat pump technology is the key wells.