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作者是清代文学家曹雪芹。The author was Cao Xueqin of the Qing Dynasty.

他是专攻美国诗歌的语文学家。He is a philologist, specialising in American poetry.

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季羡林,著名语言学家,文学家,翻译家。Ji Xianlin, a famous linguist, writer and translator.

中国明代文学家、书画家、军事家。Chinese Ming Dynasty writer, art, military strategist.

自己有自己本身地抱负,自己地抱负是当一名歌星或者文学家。I have my own ideal, my dream is to be a singer or writer.

他是中国有名的文学家、思想家和革命家。He is well-known author, thinker in China and revolutionist.

谢肇氵制是晚明一位重要的文学家、诗人。Xie Zhaozhe was a noted writer and poet in the late Ming Dynasty.

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杨万里不仅是一位著名的文学家,而且是一位理学家。Yang Wanli is not only a famous litterateur, but also a theorist.

在我国的文化史上那些诗人、文学家是不可缺少的。In Chinese cultural history, the poet literature is indispensable.

范仲淹是北宋时期的政治家、文学家。Fan Zhongyan was a politician and writer in the Northen Song Dynasty.

张鷟是一位颇有国际影响的唐代文学家。Zhang Zhuo is an international influence litterateur of Tang dynasty.

唐伯虎是明朝著名的画家和文学家,小的时候在画画方面显示了超人的才华。Tang Bohu was a famous painter and literary man during the Ming Dynasty.

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夏目漱石是日本近代著名的思想家和文学家。Natumesouseki was a famous thinker and writer in modern history of Japan.

有一天晚上,人们介绍给他一个腼腆的、口吃的年轻文学家。One night a blushing, stammering young man of letters was introduced to him.

李贽是明朝中后期著名的文学家、史学家、思想家。Lizhi is a famous writer, historian and thinker who lived in mid- term Dynasty.

而这一本书的作者便是英国20世纪著名的文学家C。Which the author of the book is well-known 20th century English writer CS Lewis.

杰出的文学家沈约也是卓有识见的史学家。Shen Yue was an outstanding man of letters and historian with excellent judgment.

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拉巴斯的水文学家计划测量山脉冰川的损失量。Hydrologists from La Paz are planning to measure the glacial loss of the mountain.

佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿是美国伟大的小说家,民俗家,人文学家。Zora Neale Hurston is a great novelist, folklorist, and anthropologist in America.

丹尼尔•伊根采访诺贝尔奖文学家加缪的女儿,凯瑟琳•加缪Danielle Egan interviews Catherine Camus, daughter of the Nobel Prize winning author