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这是,因为它发生的,无关宏旨。This is, as it happens, irrelevant.

无论她在不在场、监不监督或者付不付钱,都无关宏旨。Whether she is there or checking up on them or paying them does not matter.

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虽然这些变化是巨大的而且有重要影响,但不会造成Web过时无用即无关宏旨。These are large and important changes, but they do not make the web obsolete or less relevant.

实际上,他内心如何想,对战争来说无关宏旨。But actually, the subjective feelings of Kao were not so important as far as the war was concerned.

柴院在从前和现在对俄罗斯音乐文明的翻开和影响无关宏旨,意义严峻。Chai hospital in once upon a time, and now the Russian music civilization open and less relevant, meaning severe.

指已经付出、无法收回的资源,对于未来无关宏旨,在决策时不应考虑。Costs that have already been paid for and can therefore be ignored in calculating the future profitability of a project.

或者可以说,买茶只是购买了一个茶的「符号」,「好」茶的标准恐怕也就无关宏旨。You could say that to buy tea is just to purchase a "symbol" of tea, and the standard of "good" tea is probably irrelevant.

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二十年来中国多半被看做对莫斯科的制衡力量,苏联解体后中国就显得虽然庞大却无关宏旨。Seen mostly as a counterweight to Moscow for 20 years, China seemed a giant irrelevancy after the demise of the Soviet Union.

现实的法律都是建立在非人格的基础之上,从而,具体场景对当事人法律行为的界定无关宏旨。Actual laws are all based on non-personalities, therefore, particular scene is trivial for defining the law behavior of the parties.

任何与此相关的教义或断言,特别是那些对于自然界宇宙的本质和起源作出声明的教义或断言,充其量只是次要的,而且往往是无关宏旨的。Any creeds or factual assertions associated with these things, especially ones that make claims about the nature and origin of the natural universe, are at most secondary and often irrelevant.