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他在吃过几口这无味的食品后便潸然泪下。The king eats a few tasteless mouthfuls , then bursts into tears.

许多委员会的成员潸然泪下但还是赞成B.K.的死刑。Many of the parole board members were in tears but voted for death.

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爸爸盯着我看了好长时间,潸然泪下。My Dad looked at me for the longest tine, and his eyes started to tear up.

当他一个人呆在空旷的家里,一张张翻看的时候,禁不住潸然泪下。As he flipped through the pages, sitting alone in his empty home, he cried.

当我的视线穿过地平线,看到身边年轻人面庞,就不禁潸然泪下。As I look across the horizon at the faces of the young people around me, I weep.

谁料鬼叔因而而哭泣痛骂,令刀锋也不由心有戚戚,潸然泪下。During ghost uncle and cry, make blackguarded blade also not heart is full, weep.

当一名救援者从废墟中抱出一名小女孩时,在场的很多父母潸然泪下。Many parents burst into tears when a rescuer carried a teen-age girl out of the ruins.

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在打字机前,那可怕的印象时常令张纯如女士震颤不已,或是不能自已地潸然泪下。The awful images sometimes left Chang shaking or reduced to weeping in front of her word processor.

罗大佑为三毛写和唱的追梦人“让轻风吹动了你的长发”每每听的我潸然泪下。Luo Sanmao write and sing for the dreamer who "let the wind blowing your hair, " I often hear tears.

当一名救援者从废墟中抱出一名小女孩时,在场的很多父母潸然泪下。Many parents couldn't hold back their tears when a rescuer carried a teenage girl out of the ruins.

母亲老了,望着被病魔折磨得死去活来的母亲,男孩悲痛欲绝,潸然泪下。Old mother, looked to be a very tough battle on the disease afflicted mother, the boy grief, and tears.

我在乌干达看到了最穷的贫民,他们的故事深深震撼了我,令我不只一次潸然泪下。This Seeing the poorest of the poor in Uganda, I shed tears more than once as their stories opened my eyes.

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孩子们在那棵樱桃树下栽种了几棵雪花莲,算是对梅格永远的怀念。我们都不禁潸然泪下。The children planted some snowdrops be neath the cherry tree, determined that Meg should never be forgotten.

纠结和挣扎,不舍与割舍,两个相爱的人为这不公的命运潸然泪下。Struggle and struggle, dont give up and leave, the two love each other for the fate of the injustice to tears.

一声“爸爸”、“妈妈”,一家三口紧紧地拥抱在一起,让在场的所有人都潸然泪下。"Daddy", "mother", family of three closely hugs in together, lets all people on the scene be with flowing tears.

面对无法改变的现实,潸然泪下、捶胸顿足都不足为奇。Face the reality that can't change, it is not at all surprising to shed silent tears, beat breast and stamp feet.

由豪华演员阵容和朝气蓬勃的工作人员团队共同描绘的终极纯爱,肯定会令您潸然泪下吧。By the luxurious cast and energetic staff team work depicts the ultimate pure love, it will certainly make you weep.

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许多人认为这是罗琳作品中最深奥、最难懂的一本书,而且这本书以悲剧结尾,甚至让很多评论家都潸然泪下。Many found it Rowling's deepest, most accomplished work, with a tragic conclusion that left even reviewers in tears.

但是这种快乐听上去并不真实,任何人只要多喝一杯,就会悲从中来,潸然泪下。But the gaiety does not ring true and anybody who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose melancholy.

但是这种欢快听上去并不真实,任何人只要多喝一杯,就会悲从中来,潸然泪下。But the gaiety dose not ring true and anybody who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose melancholy.