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他拉丁语的功底很扎实。He is well grounded in Latin.

五是上下一心,扎实工作。Is of one mind, and do solid work.

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扎实的医学检验科知识。Profound knowledge in laboratory medicine.

扎实的轴心可减少偏斜。Shaft drives are heavy duty to minimize deflection.

扎实推进社会主义新农村建设Promoting the building of a new socialist countryside

他35年扎实的工作作风让他的地位很高。His steady working style of 35 years made his status high.

鹿泉市自然条件良好,农业基础扎实。Luquan City good natural conditions, the agricultural firm.

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他再也写不出扎实的作品,1984年,他离世了。He failed to write another substantial work, and died in 1984.

这样就可以让我非常扎实地去触球,将球打出沙坑。And this should allow me to make nice contact out of the bunker.

——我们要扎实推进资源节约和环境保护。We will effectively conserve resources and protect the environment.

于此相比,linkedin具有扎实的发展基础路径可循,销量逐年倍增,它已经拥有100万注册用户。Sales have doubled every year. It has 100 million registered members.

有较强产品开发能力,扎实的技术队伍。It has strong product exploitation ability and well-knit technical team.

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突出重点,扎实开展治理商业**专项工作。Outstanding key, solid begin processing business to boodle special work.

彻底执行全教会扎实的门徒训练。To fully disciple the whole church through the process delineated above.

基本功扎实,笔法雄中见秀,刚柔相济,师古人而不泥。Basic solid, style, and saw the show flexibility, the teacher rather mud.

寻求对商业问题及术语有扎实掌握的应聘人。Look for someone who has a firm grasp on commercial issues and terminology.

我们要扎实的学习传统又要大胆地开拓未来。Anyway, we should seriously study the tradition and hardily develop the future.

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扎实的知识,专注的用心,其在金石学的研究上成绩卓然。Solid knowledge of the intention to focus its research on epigraphy Zoran grade.

重点检查求实、务实、扎实的工作作风是否真正坚持下来。Focused inspection realistic, pragmatic, solid style of work is really persevered.

人民解放军选择了更慢、更扎实的步伐向一支志愿兵部队进军。The PLA has taken a slower, steadier approach to its move towards a volunteer force.