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做一个公平交易的情人。Be a Fair-Trade Valentine.

一些股票的场外交易公告牌代码有公平交易。A number of stocks on the OTCBB have fair-trading.

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试试Theo平等交易或者Alter-Ego公平交易。Try Theo, Equal Exchange, or Alter-Ego Fair Trade.

决不撒谎,欺瞒或偷盗,坚守公平交易。Never lie,cheat or steal,always strike a fair deal.

各方当事人均须依诚实信用和公平交易而行为。Each party must act in accordance with good faith and fair dealing.

用贴了“公平交易”标签的巧克力或者有机糖果来打发捣鬼者。Distribute Fair Trade chocolate, or organic sweets to 'trick or treaters'.

英国的公平交易委员会,已经判定某些银行交易不公。Britain’s Office of Fair Trading has already ruled some bank charges unfair.

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公平交易日内累计超过700直接分套房,有更多的意图。Fair trading days up to more than 700 direct sub-suites, there are more intent.

美国得到一个公平交易,并且甚至有可能过度补偿了些。The United States gets a fair shake, and there may even be some overcompensation.

商业委员会调查指控后,该公司董事表示不了解公平交易法。When challenged by the Commerce Commission, the director claimed no knowledge of the Act.

公平交易办公室的声明来自于对消费者协会抱怨的回应。The OFT's announcement comes in response to a super-complaint by the consumers' association.

相比之下,拿撒勒说,对公平交易的发达规定了几十年的形状。By contrast, Nazareth says, the well-developed regulations for equity trading took shape over decades.

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本协议采用指定的确认者签名来实现公平交易,极大地提高了协议的效率。Efficiency of the protocol is achieved by using a cryptographic primitive, called designated confirmer signatures.

此外,本文还对如何推动银行公平交易、加强信息安全权保护提出了倡议。In addition, this article discusses how to promote fair trade and strengthen the financial information protection.

此外,本文对于公平交易委员会提出建言,期使公平交易法有关厂商合并之规范更适确。Finally, we make some suggestions for the Fair Trade Commission to evaluate whether it should prohibit enterprises to merge.

文中综述了公平交易协议,提出了一种基于数字水印和公平交易协议的数字图像电子交易方案。In this paper we discuss the protocol of fair exchange and scheme for digital image e-trading based on fair exchange protocol.

对此疑问的反应是设计一个新的贿赂法案来使我们的老旧立法升级——确保英国过夜的公平交易。The response has been a new bribery bill designed to update our antiquated legislation- ensure British industry's fair dealing.

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纸币仅仅是仙尘,当一些人相信公平交易直到一阵微风吹倒一副牌。噗!!Paper money is just fairy dust when some people believe in fair trade till a deck of cards collapse by a thin whisp of air. Puff! !

所有公司应该遵从公平交易的市场原则,按照市场规章,不因为企业规模、财富和发展程度而有所偏袒。All companies should comply with the market principle of fair dealing and follow its laws irrespective of their size, wealth and stature.

这说明,中国自古在商品买卖中,就提倡公平交易、诚实待客、不欺诈、不作假的行业道德。This shows that since ancient times China advocated the ethics of fair trade, honesty towards customers, no deception and no falsification.