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我的心病消除了。I was relieved from anxiety.

但是我必须得这么做,否则我的心病得不到治愈。But I had to, or I could not heal.

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她生病的孩子是她的一大心病。Her sick child is a good anxiety to her.

他想以自杀来了却他的心病。He attempted to end his trouble by suicide.

但事实正相反,而这已经成为了我们的一大心病。But they're not and it's becoming a big problem for me.

但是最大的心病,奴隶制将石沉大海"But the great heart wound, slavery, will not be reached."

长期以来,校园稳定一直是中国政府的心病。Campus stability has long been a worry to China’s government.

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常见病因为冠心病、其次是高血压,也可见于风心病、心肌病等。The most etiology of CLBBB was CAD, HP, DCM and rheumatic heart disease.

这就是我们内心不要有这种心病,这种五毒或是三毒。So do not harbor these illnesses, the Five or Three Poisons, in the mind.

不过,这位105岁高龄的老人却成了中国政府的心病。But instead, this 105-year-old has become a thorn in the government's side.

街头小混混何北,是大款父亲的一块心病。Street corner is little mix mix He Bei, it is an anxiety of big money father.

有一个叫卡依德的印度国王建立了强大的王朝,但是他有了心病。A king in India named Kaid had built a huge kingdom, but he was sick at heart.

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若你心中无恻隐慈善,你便患有最厉害的心病。If you haven't got charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.

修民久卧病榻产生心病,他开始故意对大华发脾气。Take people long on the sickbed have heart disease, he began to deliberately HUAFA temper.

类似于厌食症那样的心病,患有这种心病的人晒太阳成瘾,无论晒成什么样都觉得不够。A disease like anorexia no matter how tan a person is they never think they are tan enough.

因此,该药可能能够改善扩心病患者的冠脉微血管功能。As a result, the drug appears to improve coronary microvascular function in these patients.

你为谁痴?为谁痛?为谁害了心病?瞬间,他百感交集。Who are you crazy? For whom pain? Who hurt heart disease? Instantly, he have mixed feelings.

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我曾亲眼目睹,在这种程序员交付的应用中,集成问题一直都是大家的心病。I've seen these developers deliver applications, but integration is almost always a pain point.

她们大多是女性,显得过于激动、焦虑,心病多于体疾,药物帮不了她们的忙。They were over-excited and anxious, sick in mind rather than in body. Medicine did not help them.

我有这个风心病车和柴油车设在欧洲和一些对墨西哥,请联系汇率我知道,如果你有兴趣。I have this RHD cars and diesel cars located In europe and some on mexico, please ler me know if you are interested.