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喝点热饮。And drink something hot.

热饮能让我们冷下来?Do hot drinks cool you down?

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你应该多喝点热饮。You should have a hot drink.

他妻子为他调制了一杯热饮。His wife mixed him a hot drink.

他看起来快给冻坏了,他需要一杯热饮料。He looks half frozen, he needs a hot drink.

可直接饮用,如需热饮,建议不要带包装加热。Direct drink. If heating please get rid of package.

过滤倒入杯子里,加冰块。就好啦!热饮也别有风味。Pour the tea into a cup, it could be serve hot too.

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不可混合热饮,以免破坏其中多种活性酵素及活益菌成分。Do not mix with hot liquids since heat will neutralize active enzymes.

此外,如果你喜欢睡觉前吃点零食,一杯热饮和几片饼干比较好。Also, if you like a snack before bed, a warm beverage and a few crackers may help.

现在司令专用长饮杯,棕榈酒则专用热饮杯。Nowadays Slings are exclusively made long on-the-rocks and toddies exclusively hot.

在水瓶中加入热饮以免结冰,或把水瓶放在夹克里。Use warm fluids in your water bottle to avoid freezing or tuck it under your jacket.

巧克力“药”将制成液体形式,很像巧克力热饮。The chocolate "medicine" will be delivered in a liquid form, similar to hot chocolate.

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第一个是治疗鼻腔充血,第二个是热饮的,治疗咳嗽和发烧。The first is for sinus congestion and the second is a hot drink for coughs and fevers.

加入8-10倍开水稀释饮用,冷热饮皆可,冰凉风味更佳。Add in 8-10 times of boiled water to dilute, it can serve hot or chill is better taste.

因为茶热饮才好喝,如果一次倒得过多不能一下饮完,剩下的容易变冷。Hot tea tastes better, and it will get cool down if the guest cannot finish a full cup of tea.

一种热饮,有时药用,由兰根粉、黄樟或相似的香草制成。A hot drink, sometimes used medicinally, made from salep, sassafras, or similar aromatic herbs.

情况稍微好一点,当开汽车,或黏在电脑旁边时,热饮变凉了,这也不免让人扫兴。Better yet, no one likes having a drink get cold when driving or when glued to the computer chair.

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那有没有时间喝个热饮?最受欢迎的有茶,咖啡,可可。Well, then perhaps you'd have time for a hot beverage ?Popular choices include tea, coffee, cocoa.

最有益的事,每天喝三杯热饮能抵抗心脏病。Most important advantage is that having three cups of the hot beverage daily can repel heart disease.

为喜欢喝热饮的人设计的最奇特、富有创意的杯子合集。Collection of the most unusual and creative mugs designed for people who enjoy drinking hot beverages.