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与志趣相投的人建立联系Network with like-minded people

人们通常喜欢与志趣相投的人呆在一起。Like people like to spend time with like people.

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一些志趣相投的人聚在一起,成立了一个小组。Some like-minded people got together and set up a group.

经常和一些志趣相投的人聚聚。Get together often with like-minded people – see Mastermind.

啊,谢谢你。我期待着和一个,嗯,心灵相通、志趣相投的人交流沟通。Ah. Thank you. I look forward to communing with a, um, kindred spirit.

他的最大志趣是中国现代诗歌的翻译与研究。He is interested in the translation and study on chinese modern poems.

这三个女孩子志趣相投,总在一起。The three girl always stay together. They form a very close-knit group.

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常写文章娱乐自己,显示了自己的志趣。Often the article self-entertainment, quite is showing oneself to remember.

让我担忧的是这可能导致出现一群志趣相投的读者。What worries me is that this may result in an audience of like-minded readers.

运气好的话,还可以结交到志趣相投的朋友呢!If you are lucky enough, you may also reap good friendships during the exchange!

与安蒂诺里志趣相投的美国科学家加入了他的克隆冒险试验。Like-minded scientists from the US have joined Antinori in his cloning adventure.

那是因为我们和他见解略同,志趣相投。Because, in the first place, we and him are like-minded and share the same ideas !

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他们想和志趣相投的人一起享受一下更加简单、弛的时光。They want to enjoy an escape to a simpler, more relaxed time, with like-minded people.

他找到了懂得用狂欢来冲淡战争的严酷的志趣相投的军官。He found congenial officers who knew how to leaven war's rigours with riotous enjoyment.

他们很高兴地发现双方志趣相投,很快变得亲密无间。They were glad to find out that they spoke the same language and soon became buddy-buddy.

父母虽然与我志趣相投,也像我一样热爱音乐,却反对我以音乐为职业。My parents, although sympathetic, and sharing my love of music, disapproved of it as a profession.

和志趣相投的伙伴和充足的精神迎来了新年,这是我们最古老的传统之一。Ringing in the new year with good company and ample spirits is one of our oldest holiday traditions.

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香社是民众由于信仰志趣相同而自发结成的民间信仰组织。Incense Society is a non-government religious society by the people sharing the same religious belief.

之后,他找到了与他志趣相投,又能利用数学工具帮助解决这些实际问题的库曼诺夫。Then he found Komanoff, a man who shared his goals and had the mathematical chops to help realize them.

我最喜欢的活动是一种非洲鼓还有就是和一些本地志趣相投的人跳舞。My favourite activity is a bit of African drumming and dancing at a local group with like minded people.