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她是个热门货。She is a hot number.

在这个炙热的市场里,什么是热门货呢?And what's hot in this hot market?

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这种金镯是本店的热门货之一。This kind of gold bracelet is one of our best-selling items.

这只手镯是敝店热门货之一。Ours is a well-known store and our goods are always dependable.

很多青年人都想望得到一辆克莱斯勒公司的车子,因为它是热门货。A lot of young people had wanted a Chrysler because it was a hot item.

电话制造商认为各种具有应急和遥控特点的电话将成为热门货。Telephone manufacturers believe a variety of emergency and remote features will be hot sellers.

本时装店专设热门货服装柜台,欢迎惠顾。Our fashionaBle dress shop has specially set up a popular clothes counter, and welcomes your patronage.

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这种全世界最小的全自动洗手间设有轮椅通道,已经成为出口的热门货,现在全世界已建起了250套这样的洗手间。The toilets, the world's smallest, fully automatic toilets with wheelchair access, have been an export hit with 250 cubicles already built around the world.

珍珠粉制品还有增进身体机能、促进新陈代谢、强化体质、延缓衰老等功能,成为国内外市场上的热门货。Pearl powder products and improve the body function, stimulative metabolism, strengthen physique, delay ageing, and other functions, become popular with domestic and foreign markets.

迪斯尼更是将超过3500件设计上传到Zazzle的网站,并允许其销售更为广泛的系列产品,而不仅仅是米老鼠体恤这种颇受传统零售商青睐的热门货。Disney has uploaded more than 3, 500 of its designs to Zazzle, allowing the company to sell a wider range of products than just the blockbuster Mickey Mouse T-shirts favored by conventional retailers.