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耀眼的光芒透射着苍白的幕墙。Luminosity glows through pale velum walls.

阻光率是透射率的倒数。Opacity is the reciprocal of transmission.

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琥珀色光线穿过黑袍而透射。Through the dark robe oft amber rays prevail.

全身装扮透射出一种相当俗艳的性感。The outfit projected a rather tawdry sexuality.

在中红外区域,本文采用了透射测量方式。Transmission mode is used in Mid-Infrared region.

图16启德机场跑道旁的视程透射表。Fig. 16 A transmissometer alongside the runway at Kai Tak.

获得了消声瓦的反射系数和透射系数。The reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained.

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本仪器采用长光程透射法。The apparatus adopt method of long light path transmission.

定义了部件透射率和反射率。The transmissibility and reflectivity of parts are defined.

还研究了全反射时的反射和透射系数。It is also studied the reflectance and transmittance in TIR.

可以用一块棱镜将透射的白光发散出来。Biv can with a lens be resolved to tidy white sunbeam once again.

研究开发出一种新型X—射线透射胶片自动洗片机。This paper introduces a newly auto developing X ray film machine.

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在大学,我的主要是英语,我通过透射电镜8。And in the university, my major is English and I passed the TEM-8.

图7叶景雄先生正在清理跑道旁的视程透射表。Fig. 7 Mr. Ip King Hung cleaning a transmissometer along a runway.

介绍一种宽带、透射式红外辐射温度计。A wideband transmissive infrared radiation thermometer is introduced.

楼梯的一侧墙面开有不规则的砖孔,天光经此透射进楼髧梯间。As a reference light comes through small holes in the format of bricks.

对8例大鼠第三脑室室旁器官进行了扫描和透射电镜观察。Both SEM and TEM of the paraventricular organ have been made in 8 rats.

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将两空间笛沙格构图成透射的参数补齐。Therefore, the parameter of two space Desargues configuration is added.

它透射出可再生能源在燃料混合过程中使用情况的进展It shows the progress, or otherwise of renewable energy in the fuel mix.

对山羊痘病变及山羊痘病毒进行了比较详细的透射电镜观察。The immunological effects of three goat pox vaccines have been compared.