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有了我们一致支持,他们才会更加笃定信念,动力十足。With our solid support, they will be more convinced and exert more power!

“这里有个地方直通地面。”老钟笃定地说。"there is a place here keeping a ground. "the old clock du settles ground to say.

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科学家发现了一种人工饲养方法,稀有的熊蜂笃定回归英国。Scientists have discovered a way of breeding the short-haired bumblebee in captivity.

虽然保罗看上去一副笃定的样子,一些事件或许会迫使他摊牌。Although Paul doesn't seem in a hurry tomake up his mind, events could force his hand.

这类句子的假设并非笃定事实,因此动词的变化也有所不同。In such a sentence, in which a hypothesis is floated, the verb is conjugated differently.

在好几个国家形形色色的各类极端分子,狂人与仇外人士看上去将笃定赢得席位。In several countries a ragbag of extremists, nutcases and xenophobes look set to win seats.

请你笃定心中那个梦,它没有我们想象得那么远,也没有我们以为的那么近。Please stick at the dream in your heart. It is neither so far as we imagine nor so close as we think.

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请你笃定心中那个梦,它没有我们想象得那麽远,也没有我们以为的那麽近。Please stick with the dream in your heart. It is neither so far as we imagine nor so close as we think.

如果挪威人以抱负和努力为标准来衡量该向谁颁发诺贝尔奖的话,那么韩德胜笃定能得它一个。If the Norwegians are giving out Nobel Prizes for aspirations and efforts, then surely Mr. Henderson is up for one.

保守党之前表示愿意积极与自民党联合执政,如今已无先前那般笃定。For their part, some Tories used to say they actively preferred governing with the Lib Dems. They are less sure now.

创业有风险,其他工作才安全,这已不再是笃定的情形,因此为何不做我所喜欢的呢?It’s not a pure dichotomy anymore that entrepreneurship is risky and other jobs are safe, so why not do what I love?

笃定成为共和党总统提名人的麦凯恩参议员在芝加哥就美国在全球经济中的作用发表讲话。Senator McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, was in Chicago to speak about the U.S. role in the global economy.

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他们彼此深信,是瞬间迸发的热情让他们相遇这样的笃定是美丽的,但变幻无常更为美丽。They both thought that a sudden feeling had united them . This certainty is beautiful, even more beautiful than uncertainty.

不过我还是得承认,我们事先没有那么笃定。正式演出前一天,我和英国来的大卫有这么一段对话。Again, I must confess that we were not so sure. I was talking to David, a brother from the U. K. , a day before the main event.

那上了年纪的妇人梳着印第安人的辫子,吃完饭点起一根烟,幽雅笃定地打发时间。The elderly woman comb a plait, Indian meal lights a cigarette, quiet and tastefully laid out with absolute certainty to kill time.

但这些却与高收入者没有太多关系,对于他们来说福利国家的利得笃定要比他们全部的收入要少。But it's not very relevant to high earners, for whom welfare-state benefits are inevitably small compared with their overall incomes.

但这些却与高收入者没有太多关系,对于他们来说福利国家的利得笃定要比他们全部的收入要少。But it’s not very relevant to high earners, for whom welfare-state benefits are inevitably small compared with their overall incomes.

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2007年,一位联合国官员称,“危地马拉就是谋杀的天堂,因为你几乎笃定可以逍遥法外。”In 2007, a U. N. official declared, “Guatemala is a good place to commit a murder, because you will almost certainly get away with it.

小雨虽然从张玛丽那里没有得到确实喜欢向一凡的口供,却已笃定张玛丽和向一凡会成为一对。Although the rain from zhang Mary there are not really like to condemn all, but already sure Mary and zhang to one who will become a couple.

新楼盘离奥林匹克体育场不远,投资者笃定在2012年奥运会开幕之前这里的房价将上涨。The new construction is close to the Olympic stadium, and the investors are betting that real estate prices will rise before the Games in 2012.