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我向你要的百分数在哪里?Where are the percentages I asked you for?

相对湿度采用百分数表示。Relative humidity is expressed as percentage.

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这里有两个版本的离子百分数。And there are two different scales of ionic character.

一根共价键中,离子百分数等于。He said that is going to equal one minus the exponential.

如果我们得到的数据不能转化为简单的百分数怎么办?What if the data we get back can’t be modeled as a simple percentage?

这些百分数提示了我们现代人迁移和通婚的方式。Such percentages provide clues on how modern humans migrated and interbred.

指定输出图像大小的另一种方法是使用百分数。Another way of specifying the size of the output image is to use percentages.

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今年上海车展上,每家参展商都在流利地述说着各种百分数。Percentages trip off the tongue of every exhibitor at this year's Shanghai motor show.

在此之前,资源控制只能使用表示为百分数的相对值。So far, resource controls have been limited to relative values expressed in percentages.

基于堆栈平均长度的截止百分数见下表。The cut-off percentages based on average call stack length are shown in the following table.

用两种测井曲线组合起来确定岩石固体部分百分数含量的计算值。A calculation of the properties of the solid fraction of a rock from the combination of two logs.

但是,在将百分数应用于子选择器的样式时,要记住单位是累积的。However, remember that when applying percentages to styles of child selectors, the units accumulate.

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上的任何像素点上以十进行制、十六进位或百分数的格式选择RGB值。Color Picker allows to pick RGB value in decimal, hexadecimal or percent format from any pixel on screen.

这些百分数必须被确定并且在执行之前得到发起者和用户的赞同。These percentage values must be determined and agreed upon by the sponsor and users prior to implementation.

他提到离子百分数,是指一根键中,并非一个分子中。He said that the percent ionic character, and this is within a bond, not for a compound, for a covalent bond.

最后根据调查数据,利用随机和模型给出了药店毛利百分数的均值、方差以及分位点。In the end, the average, variance and quantiles of profit margin of drugstores are obtained from survey data.

另外,部分匹配还显示匹配百分数,这样就能够看出两个堆栈相互匹配的程度。In addition, the partial matches display the matching percentage, so you can see how closely the two stacks match.

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您希望创建可编辑的文本文件以使用户输入数字、百分数、货币数据等等。You want to create editable text fields to allow the user to enter numbers, percentages, currency data, and so on.

收益率就是你每年投资所获的收入总额,是你所花费资金中所占的一个百分数。Yield is the total amount of income youearn on an investment each year as a percentage of what you spent to buy it.

这意味着,我们要在主要布局容器宽度上使用百分数,比如主内容区域和边栏。This meant that we use percentages on the main layout container widths, such as the main content area and the sidebar.