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洋洋弹钢琴还真像模像样的呢。I am so glad that George likes piano.

完了吗?像模像样地跳舞!Is it over yet? Dance in smarty pants!

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它们听上去像真钱,看上去也像模像样。They sound like real money and look like real money.

穿上红色的衣服,系上宽大的黑色腰带,一切都像模像样。I had on the red suit, the big black belt, the whole works.

别忘了搞点入场券还有小吃,让你的梦幻动物园像模像样。Finish it off with admission tickets and snacks and you’re set.

第二年她又得到了一把口琴,不久她就吹得像模像样了。The next year she was given a harmonica and she took to it right away.

若再在附近发现一间像模像样的地牢我也不会觉得很吃惊。I would not have been surprised to find a well-appointed dungeon nearby.

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但任何地方的生物都不能与像模像样的跳舞者相比。是的!But no creature anywhere can quite compare to a dancer in smarty pants. Yes!

出于好玩,米尔斯给她一块黏土,她竟然真的就像模像样学著捏起来。For fun, Mills give her a piece of clay, she was true on the simulation may like to learn a pinch.

他回忆说,当他学会了骑自行车,能像模像样在铁路旁骑行时,生活好了许多。Life improved greatly, he recalls, when he learnt to ride a bike and could go properly off the rails.

帖子纷纷被各论坛转载,上面还配有一张像模像样的试卷局部图片。Posts have been reproduced in various forums, the above papers also has a decent, ultra-local picture.

在“浴室”与厨房之间还像模像样地开了个小窗子,很可爱。In " bathroom " with a small window opened prettily like the model still between the kitchen, very lovely.

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他称,他过去的生活像模像样,但现在,美军要撤出伊拉克了,往后的生意将会变难做了。He says he used to make a decent living. But now that more U. S. troops are leaving Iraq, he says that is difficult.

不要介意自己是否笨拙,你会在像模像样地跳舞时时髦又有个性。现在看着我,嘿!Doesn't matter if you're clunky, you'll be hip and you'll be funky when you dance in smarty pants. Watch me now, hey!

两极的极寒之地和最黑暗的海洋深处居住的一些有机体喜欢来点像模像样的冰爽。The most frigid polar regions and the darkest depths of the ocean are home for a few organisms that like a good chill.

我曾在我们家屋后走廊和葡萄藤之间的三角地举行过一次像模像样的展览,但不幸为雨所阻。What resulted was an imposing display in the triangular nook between the back porch and the grapevine, but it got rained out.

他们四个像模像样的名字真是安错了地方。这四个顽皮小子叫做马修、马克、卢克和约翰。They played tricks on the customers, too, did Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, whose saintly names were misplaced for such young scamps.

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像模像样的约会不一定就是要花好多好多钱,而需要的是好的心境和正确的方法。Impressing your date does not mean you have to spend a lot of money. But it does require the right frame of mind, and the right approach.

如果你是在家工作,你应该考虑给自己弄一个像模像样的工作空间,同能够消磨时间的一切断绝联系,包括电视、杂志,甚至是你的孩子。If you work from home you should consider setting up a work-only space and keeping it free of time wasters like a TV, magazines or your kids.

因此,现在我们谈论猿人、Sontaran外星人以及博格的存在可能性时,有了这个从科学角度听上去更为像模像样的词语,该情况非常特别。So, the fact that there's now a much more sciency sounding word one can use to talk about the possibility of Wookiees, Sontarans and Borg is very special.