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草鱼煮熟即可,时间不要长。Don't boil the grass carp for too long time.

在中国,草鱼是常见的河鱼。Grass carp is a common kind of freshwater fish in China.

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本幢救嗽草鱼为例引见万州烤鱼地制造办法。The example to introduce grass carp baked method of making Wanzhou.

因此,草鱼、白鲢如今更是被广泛推广养殖。Therefore, grass carp, silver carp now are more and more widely cultured.

通过双酶法水解将草鱼肉制备成水解氨基酸液。Hydrolysis of grass carp meat using two enzymes was studied in this paper.

偶尔也断线,偶然拿上的也有5公斤的草鱼。Once in a while disconnected, occasionally also take on the 5 kg of grass carp.

鲤鱼、草鱼、鲫鱼当中那种是“最高级”的食用鱼?Carp, grass carp, crucian carp which is that the "most advanced" of eating fish?

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普通草鱼群体随机取自长沙的农贸市场。The common grass carp group was randomly collected from the markets of Changsha.

只是片刻的时间,一条草鱼完已经生片上桌了。Only a moment of time, a grass carp have been finished and serve the health piece.

因此LMG完全可以做为草鱼体内的残留标示物。Therefore LMG is entirely possible as a result of grass carp in the residual marker.

总的比较起来,草鱼和团头鱿的染色体组型差异较大。In general, the differences between the karyotypes of C. idellus and M. amblycephala are significant.

初步研究了草鱼幼鱼对三种缩结定置网片的反应特性。The present paper deals with the reaction of juvenile grass carp to setnets using 3 kinds of abating.

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以草鱼为母本,杂种一代为父本的回交子代全部为草鱼形,草食性。The backcrossing offsprings from female grass carp and male hybrid F_1 are herbivorous like grass carp.

说明草鱼对于葡萄糖作为能源的利用优于对淀粉作为能源的利用。The results suggested that glucose appear to be a more excellent energy source than starch in grass carp.

喹乙醇对草鱼肝细胞和胰腺外分泌部细胞的毒理研究。Toxicological effect of olaquindox on liver cells and pancreas exocrine cells of Ctenopharyngodon idellus.

草鱼细菌性烂鳃病是一种危害严重的常见鱼病。The bacterial gill-rot disease is a common disease of grass carp, it makes serious harmfulness to the fish.

研究了青虾、草鱼肌肉中五氯苯酚及其钠盐残留总量气相色谱检测方法。Residues of pentachlorophenol and its sodium salt in aquatic products were determined by gas chromatography.

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草鱼TLR9基因片段克隆和组织差异性表达研究显示了,TLR9在草鱼不同组织中的表达丰度较低。Grass carp TLR9 also shows somewhat similarities with other fishes and weekly expressed in different tissues.

本文研究了草鱼结合胆汁酸盐及游离胆汁酸盐的抑菌作用。The bacteriostatic effect of both free and combined bile salts from grass carp bile was studied in this paper.

本研究用强氯精、溴氯海因两种常用水产药物,对草鱼鱼苗的进行急性毒性实验。Strong Chlorine and Bromine Chlorine Hydantoin were used as acute toxicity for fries of Ctenopharyngodon idellus.