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一听那话她脸色登时变得苍白,直白到嘴唇了。On hearing that, her face went white to the lips.

患者讲更直白、绝望的语言。Consumers speak a more frank, despairing language.

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有些话做牛观花家的不好说的太过直白了。Some words do a miss house not say too to keep white.

我本来想得到一个不这么直白的回答I was thinking of something a little bit less ambitious.

这些卡片都是学校学生写的,甘美并且直白。The cards from schoolchildren are sweet and plain-spoken.

上周五由摩根大通银行发布的报告讲得更是直白。A report released last Friday by JPMorgan Chase was even blunter.

使用直白、准确而不会耸人听闻的解释。Use straightforward, accurate explanations that are not alarming.

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另一位著名道教武术大师史飞则更为直白。Another prominent Taoist martial artist Shi Fei is less diplomatic.

捷克人和德国人有点儿像——有些粗鲁、直白和冷酷。Czechs are a bit like Germans, though — a bit rude, blunt, and cold.

这是强有力的陈述,比起直白地说出两者都是无穷大要有力得多。That’s a much stronger statement than saying both sets are infinite.

他们知道过于直白地追财逐利不再是那么“酷”了。They understand that it’s no longer “cool” to explicitly seek wealth.

说得更直白一些,就是听写,把文字敲进电脑里。To put it more plainly, is the text dictation, typing in the computer.

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我只想用一种清晰而直白的方式摆出事实。I merely try to present the facts in a clear and straightforward manner.

在事先准备好的声明中,默多克向受害者朗读了质朴直白的致歉信。In his prepared statements, Mr. Murdoch read stark apologies to victims.

亲爱的,原谅我的直白和莽撞,对于我的琐细请不要介意。My dear, forgive for my abruptness and frankness, forget my triviality please.

直白的拒绝让德思礼的下巴抽动起来。The flat refusal made Dursley's chins quiver, but after a moment he persisted.

徐龙江解释道,“老板越直白,你受繁文缛节的限制就越少。”The more straightforward the boss is, the less red tape you are restricted by.

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直白的说,只有逆时针的曲线是成立的。Straightly speaking, that will only work here if the curve goes counterclockwise.

相反的是,我欣赏她充满智慧的直白和对自我认识的追求。On the contrary, I admire her intellectual honesty and her pursuit of self-knowledge.

你和领导说话这么直白,不怕他给你穿小鞋吗?You talk to your boss so bluntly, aren't you afraid that he will give you a hard time?