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银纹是高聚物损伤的重要表现形式。Craze is an important form of polymer damage.

一个高聚物是许多单元的非常大的组合。A high polymer is a very large aggregation of units.

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接下来轮到生物高聚物聚羟基脂肪酸酯。The biopolymer polyhydroxyalkanoate came next on the list.

银纹化是玻璃态高聚物所特有的一种现象。The crazing phenomenon is unique to amorphous glassy polymers.

这是什么做的一种有弹性的生物高聚物粘胶?What are they made of some kind of elastic biopolymer adhesive?

它们是用什么做的,一种弹性生物高聚物粘合剂?What are they made of, some kind of elastic biopolymer adhesive?

综述了近年来国内外对液晶高聚物的研究进展。Recent advances in LCPs′study at home and abroad were also summarized.

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银纹化是脆性高聚物的一种典型的非线性变形方式。Crazing is a typical kind of nonlinear deformation in brittle polymers.

乳液聚合是生产高聚物的重要方法。Emulsion polymerization is an important method to produce high polymer.

二苯并-18-冠-6高聚物载体能明显改善催化性能。The improvement of catalytic activity by DB-18-C-6 polymer was evident.

这是以溶剂挥发后无粘性高聚物为基料的密封胶。This is no viscous solvent evaporation of polymer-based sealant material.

用氯离子选择性电极测定高聚物A.C.S中的含氯量。Determination of Chlorine Content in A. C. S with Chloride-ion Selective-electrode.

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比金属高若干倍,比高聚物高2-三个数目级。Than the metal the hellogh number of times thehellogh-polymer 2-3 orders of magnitude.

讨论了玻璃态高聚物PMMA在单轴压缩下的受力变形行为。Discusses the deformation behaviour under loading of glassy polymer PMMA in this paper.

高聚物驻极体用于临床治疗冻疮、关节酸痛和疖子有较好的疗效。Polypropylene electret shows good curative effect for chilblain, arthritis and furuncle.

新合成的有机锡高聚物可以作为PVC热稳定剂使用。The new synthesized organo-tin polymers can be used as head stabilizers for PVC products.

论述了高聚物熔体在喷丝孔区的流变性及粘弹行为。The rheological and viscoelastic behavior of polymer melts in the die zone are expounded.

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聚丙烯酰胺等高聚物可有效地抑制粘土的水敏性。High polymers such as polyacrylamide etc. can effectively inhibit water sensitivity of clay.

粒径单分散高聚物微球在许多领域里有着广阔的应用前景。Micronsized monodisperse polymer microspheres have been used in many fields in resent years.

粘结剂是火药、高聚物粘结炸药、低易损性炸药的重要组成成分。Binders are important ingredients of propellants, polymer binder explosives and LOVA explosives.