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选择明志是您最明智的选择。Minz is the most sensible choice to fix your computer.

身为临时工的王明志没有医疗或工伤保险。As a day laborer, he had no health or disability insurance.

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汉森在校报上写了一篇关于王明志的文章,后来又写了四篇。Mr. Hansen wrote an article about him in his school newspaper -- the first of five.

贝尔纳普听了王明志的故事,在这期间,王明志的妻子一直帮他擦去下巴上不停流下的口水。He listened to Mr.Wang's story as his wife wiped away the incessant drool from his chin.

我将以此明志,做好今后三年的工作。With this strong commitment, I will contiune to devote myself to my work in my next three years.

我将以此明志,做好今后三年的工作。With this strong commitment, I will continue to devote myself to my work in the next three years.

让我们读史明志,让我们传承精髓,共同担负起历史赋予我们的神圣使命!Let's keep a clear mind by reading history, pass the spirit and take on the holy mission from the history!

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虽然这次,卡梅隆更像是享受工作、至少他无需在编辑台上放剃须刀片以明志了“对吉姆而言,阿凡达是一剂解毒药,”基尼说。This time, though, Cameron seems to be enjoying the work. Atleastthere’s no razor blade next to the editing controls.

我们坚信,凭借着专业知识及敏锐的洞察力,明志财税将助您走好成功的每一步。We firmly believe that, by virtue of expertise and keen insight, Mingzhi will help you take a good success of each step.

王明志一家人欢迎她来自己粗陋的小屋,并对自己所得到的帮助感激不尽,和贝尔纳普一样,拉斯也被此深深感动了。Like Mr. Belnap, Mrs. Rassi was touched by the way she was welcomed into the Wangs' humble home and their gratefulness for any help offered.

与此同时,汉森的母亲让她的私人律师,也是个中国人,实施法律援助,起诉了王明志的雇主。Meanwhile, Mr.Hansen's mother had gotten her personal lawyer, a local Chinese, to file a pro bono lawsuit -- a small but growing field in China -- against Mr.

贝尔纳普已被改派瑞士,但仍然与王明志及其他帮助他的外国人保持着联系,那些人伸出援手的动因不一,但目标却是一致的。Mr. Belnap has relocated to Switzerland but remains in touch with Mr. Wang and other expats assisting him, all of whom have different motivations but the same goal.

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2006年9月26日,美国大使馆发布了关于王明志的安全警告,说他是“有攻击性的乞讨者”,并要求美国公民一旦发现他的行踪,要向有关当局报告。On Sept. 26, 2006, the U.S.Embassy issued a security alert about Mr.Wang, citing an 'aggressive panhandler,' and asking citizens to report his presence to the authorities.

王明志的生活不像以前那么贫困了,但还是无法工作,原因在于潜在雇主对他的相貌有看法,也因为阳光会让他的皮肤刺痛。Mr. Wang is no longer as destitute but he is still barely able to work, because of both prospective employers' attitude toward his appearance and the harsh effect of sun on his skin.

王明志在一个地下室干活时,一名焊工焊枪上的火星点着了王明志正在涂的防水材料,他的衣服也烧了起来,整个人成了火球。Mr.Wang had been in a basement room when a spark from a welder's torch fell and ignited the fumes of the waterproofing material he was applying, alighting his clothes and leaving him a molten mess.