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天羽儿惊叫。Day feather son scream.

一声惊叫声打破了寂静。A scream broke the silence.

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有个姑娘假作一声惊叫。A girl screams in mock fright.

鸟发出嘎嘎的惊叫声。The bird gave a startled squawk.

"冰淇淋!"他在梦中惊叫道.Ice-cream!" he screamed in dream.

我不会畏缩,也不惊叫。I have not winced nor cried aloud.

我不会畏缩,也不惊叫。I have not winced nor cried noisily.

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她突然发出一声惊叫。She gave a sudden shout of surprise.

她走进房间时便尖声惊叫起来。She screamed when going into the room.

加泰罗尼亚语媒体惊叫着“丑闻!”The Catalan media screamed "scandal!".

这就是为什么我一醒来就惊叫的原因。That's why I always, wake up screaming.

忽然他听到上方传来一阵惊叫声。All of a sudden he heard a cry above him.

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她的惊叫声把过路人吸引到了现场。Her screams drew passers-by to the scene.

她的惊叫声引得邻居们都跑来了。Her screams brought the neighbours running.

“天哪!”羊怪惊叫了一声。"Goodness gracious me! " exclaimed the Faun.

玉蝶惊叫著后退一步。The jade Die exclaims to withdraw an one tread.

“你在开玩笑,”他惊叫一声并往后退了几步。"You jest, " he exclaimed, recoiling a few paces.

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她突然惊叫一声,立刻停了下来。All of a sudden, she uttered a cry and stopped short.

事与愿违,人们报之以“呜咽,而非惊叫”。Instead, he said, people got "a whimper, not a scream."

尖啸和惊叫,若没有你的耳朵,是的,都会平息。Skirl and skreigh, but for thine ears, aye, lown 'tis –