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这是一张票根。This is a ticket stub.

把票根留着。Keep your ticket stubs.

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是一张票根可以换一份礼物吗?。One man can make a difference!

有各种纪念品,球票票根。There's souvenirs, ticket stubs, all the rest.

至今,那些留下来的公交公司的票根足以为证。I've got the stubs from the bus companies to prove it.

我最好还是自己拿着票根吧,以防他们不让我进来。I’d better hold on my ticker stub in case they won’t let me in.

我最好拿着我的票根,以防你在我回来之前就进场了。I better hold onto my ticket stub in case you get in before I get back.

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她皱着眉细细一看,原来是纽约剧院的两张票根。She studies, frowning, a pair of ticket stubs for a New York City theatre.

当你上了转乘的公共汽车时,就把这张票根给司机看。When you get on the transfer bus, just show the bus driver the ticket stub.

我一直认为钱就是一把票根,应该投放到社会中去。I think money is a counterfoil all the time, in should putting in a society, go.

哦,我差点忘了。我最好还是自己拿着票根吧,以防他们不让我进来。Oh, I almost forgot. I'd better hold on my ticker stub in case they won't let me in.

不要丢弃你的票根,因为在旅途结束时你可以用它来获得一个免费的纪念品。Don't chuck your stub, because you can use it to get a free souvenir at the end of the trip.

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假如你持有所谓的票根,它是指一家上市公司在另一家上市公司中所,持有的相当比例的股份。You have what are called stubs, where one public company owns a significant stake . in another public company.

这是我们第一次一起看电影的票根,这是你第一次为我做早餐时剩的蛋壳,这是我们第一次约会时从博物馆拿的化石。This is a movie stub from our first date! This is an eggshell from the first time you made me breakfast in bed!

你要把票根保留到演出结束,剧场的工作人员可能会在中场查票的。You need to keep the ticket stub until the end of the show, because the theatre staff may check it during the break.

乘客凡购买豪华位或高速船船票,即可凭票根免费乘搭由北角往红磡或九龙城渡轮服务壹程。Every deluxe class and fast ferry passenger can enjoy ONE free single-trip from North Point to Hung Hom or Kowloon City.

目前,英国银行在发送对账单时不附支票,因此,保存好每笔交易记录的支票存根或票根是明智的。Nowadays banks in the UK do not return your cheque with each statement, so it is advisable to keep a record of transactions on the counterfoil or stub.

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跟他一块等着下手的一个小子看见他掏香烟掏出票根来,仍旧收好。When he tried to fish out his cigarettes, the boy waiting together with him to start on the assassination saw him come up with his ticket stub and then carefully put it back.

它们可能是孩子们为你制做的手工艺品,你的初恋情人给你的毛绒动物,或者你和丈夫第一次约会时观看演唱会的票根。Whether they are crafts your kids made for you, a stuffed animal given to you from your first true love, or ticket stubs for the concert you and your husband went to on your first date.