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转告她我爱她。Tell her I love her.

我将转告您的口信。I'll give him your message.

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我会转告他的,布朗先生。I'll let him know, Mn. Brown.

于是请她母亲转告,汤米说。So to her mother, Tommy said.

请转告芮莱·伯尔,说我想念她。Tell Lorelei Burr I miss her.

请转告他申来过电话可以吗?Could you tell him Seon called?

请转告他陈平来过电话。Please tell him Chen Ping called.

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好的,我转告他您来德律风了。ok. i'll tell him that you called.

好的,我转告他您来电话了。OK. I\'ll tell him that you called.

他把这个好消息转告了他的朋友。He passed on the good news to his friends.

我愿把你的意见转告校长。I will relay your opinion to the headmaster.

让让我向王经理转告他的歉意。He wanted me to convey his apology to Mr. Wang.

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能告诉我吗?然后我转告她。Would you mind telling me? And then I tell her.

请转告他我打过电话给他了,我是Hance。Would you let him know, I called. this is Hance.

请你转告他陆明正设法跟他联系。Please tell him that Lu Ming tried to contact him.

请转告那个人别吸烟。Would you please tell that person to stop smoking?

请转告她,她的订货已经付运,好吗?。Would you tell her that her order has been shipped?

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当然可以,女士。我会转告夜勤服务生。Certainly, madam. I'll let the overnight staff know.

她留下来等待罗斯返家,并打算亲口转告他。She stays and waits for Ross to return so she can tell him.

同时也转告他们他们的海贼王演出也非常出色!Tell them that they made a great One Piece performance too!