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既有简洁,又有玩世不恭。has both terseness and cynicism.

“你是个玩世不恭的害人精,”她说道。You're cynical swine, " she said."

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他以玩世不恭的方式对待生活。He takes a devil-may-care approach to life.

许多妇女被他这种玩世不恭的态度耍的团团转。Most women here are cynical of his about-turn.

这个星球可消受不起这种玩世不恭的做法。And the planet can’t afford that kind of cynicism.

她会放弃她的玩世不恭而拥抱浪漫吗?Will she abandon her cynicism and embrace romance?

他有些玩世不恭,就算受到伤害的是他自己。He has a blas é attitude, even when it's him who is harmed.

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爸爸和一个朋友早早离开,爸爸虽然是已婚男人,还是有些玩世不恭,用眼神示意他,男人间的心领神会。Dad leaves early with a friend. Dad feels only half married.

一个玩世不恭的人,一个生活放荡的家伙,总而言之,是个恶棍。A scoffer, a debauched person, and, in brief , a man of Belial.

大家都没意料到严肃的政治演说充满了玩世不恭。One doesn't expect a serious political to be full of frivolities.

加布尔雷思说,“也许是因为它那种现代风格的玩世不恭和冷嘲热讽式的幽默。Maybe it's because of its very modern cynicism and sardonic humor.

玩世不恭的幽默使她的评论更加有趣。His flippancy make it difficult to have a decent conversation with him.

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但是德国民众仍然瞠目结舌于他最后行为的明目张胆与玩世不恭。But the German public was still shocked by the blatant cynicism of his final act.

高林斯扮演雅各布,一个玩世不恭却女人缘极好的花花公子。Gosling plays Jacob, a playboy whose wild ways impress everyone but the girl he wants.

亨利勋爵刚才偶然说了句玩世不恭的话,几乎叫他昏倒。He had nearly swooned at what Lord Henry had said in a chance mood of cynical jesting.

那是奇特的组合——古板严肃的年轻女王和上了年纪、玩世不恭的维新党成员相组合。It was a strange conjunction—the prim serious young Queen and the elderly, cynical Whig.

他们热情、玩世不恭、说话直率,但聪明,他们很有智慧。They are cynical yet warmhearted, plain spoken but smart, and they have razor-sharp wit.

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玩世不恭的人可能会说这只是一种权力的转移,但在名利动力学中,现实总是虚幻的。Cynics might say that's a devolution, but in the dynamics of fame, reality is always illusive.

魔理沙有点玩世不恭而又坏心眼,真的可以说是性格很差。Marisa has a very contrarian, uncooperative personality, and she really is a pretty bad person.

我怀疑在你那玩世不恭的外表下是一颗多愁善感的心。I suspect that under that cynical shell, you are at heart a sentimentalist. Oh, laugh if you will.