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很多外企制造账面亏损假相,实则为逃避税收。They escape tax by the pseudophase of book loss.

我猜这场突然的暴风雪貌似灾祸,实则是福啊!I guess the sudden storm was really a blessing in disguise!

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如此使用银乍听起来十分昂贵,实则不然。Using silver this way might sound expensive, but it is not.

因贪念而侵夺他人,实则伤害自己的人格。To covet and take from others is to harm one's own character.

两人假意卿卿我我,实则决定冒险行动。Two people love false very much in love, but decided to venture.

薇诺娜·赖德实则是选择这款短发的先驱,她在1997年完美的诠释了这种发型,并引发了它的风靡。Winona Ryder practically pioneered the pixie hair craze in 1997.

距离和宽度看似相等的格局,实则千变万化,巧夺天工。Distances and widths that appear equal are in fact expertly varied.

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议员的职务实则由几个不同的工作构成!The position of congressman truly constitutes several different jobs.

葫芦娃年夜战群妖,一个看似简单实则极富战略性的小游戏。Gourd vs Monster, a seemingly simple but actually very strategic game.

表面谦卑恭敬的大牙狗,实则心胸狭窄,充满贪欲。The fangs of surface humble, but the dog, full of greed narrow-minded.

灵儿,此事看似简单,实则不易。Work properly son, this matter looks like simple, actually then not easy.

这种表达是主观化的,从某种程度上说实则为夫子自道。In fact, his opinion is subjective, and speaks for himself to some degree.

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这看似猖獗的游戏实则只为西施自行现身而设计。This may seem like a rampant game actually only designed by xishi appeared.

梯玛法事活动中生存崇拜实则是梯玛崇拜。Actually the survival worship is Tima Worship in his activities of witchcraft.

许多公民认为当议员是份简单的差事,实则不然,议员难做啊。Many citizens think that it is an easy job, but in fact, it is very different.

邪实则有外邪、湿浊热毒、瘀血等。There are external evil , such as damp-heat , blood stasis etc in excess syndrome.

乍一看来这与前面的观点并没什么区别,实则完全不同。On the surface this looks like the same idea but actually it's completely different.

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屈身为“比比”出演甘地做配角的克林顿实则心有不甘。It was a tough moment for Clinton, playing second fiddle at the Bibi-does-Gandhi show.

实则给主刀医生当下手,帮忙暴露病灶。Actually gives advocate hand of knife doctor instantly, help expose focus of a disease.

一个看似简单实则极富策略性的塔防游戏。It is a seemingly simple tower defense game, but in reality is a highly strategic game.