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神自管居于其天国。God's in his heaven.

天国被他尽撕烂。Does to rags the heavens tear.

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她的脸上辉映着天国的圣景。And Heaven reflected in her face.

听说天国怜悯人间时。When the heaven pities the world.

初绽的蓓蕾转赴天国。The opening bud to heaven conveyed.

诸神厌倦了他们的天国,对凡人心生羡慕。Gods, tired of their paradise, envy man.

在天国里,神的旨意能完全行出来。In heaven, God’s will is done perfectly.

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但愿纯洁的灵魂在天国找到安身之地!May pure souls have their home in heaven!

盏盏金色烛,嵌天国空气As those gold candles fix'd in heaven's air

要是我在天国与你相逢,我还能像从前一样吗?。Would it be the same if Isaw you in heaven?

那希冀高远的天国仍然太愚蠢!Twere folly still to hope for higher Heaven.

没必要然烟雾袅绕的处所才是天国。If you smoke , tomorrow is a good day to die.

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要是我在天国相遇,你乐意握住我的手吗?。Would you hold my hand if Isaw you in heaven?

要是我在天国和你会晤,你还会记得我的名字吗?。Would you know my name if Isaw you in heaven?

圣经上说,天国是一个完美的地方。The Bible says that heaven is a perfect place.

我懂得你在天国照耀着我!And Iknow Ure shelloning down on me from heaven.

一工程师死了之后到天国之门报道。An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates.

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上帝在天国之中,世上的一切秩序井然。God is in his heaven, all's right with the world.

神自管居于天国---人世间一切皆是正确。God's in his heaven --- All's right with the world.

这搭也许是天国也有多是地狱。"thellos could be heaven or thellos could be hell".