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冬季是冷酷。Winter is cold-hearted.

我喜欢夏季和冬季。I like summer and winter.

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这是一个袖珍型核子的冬季。It was a mini nuclear winter.

我们称之为冬季的沃尔玛。We call it Winter's Wal-Mart.

我们都参加冬季运动。We all go in for winter sport.

他整个冬季将作辅导工作。He will be coaching all winter.

我们全都参加了冬季运动。We all go in for winter sports.

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半圆顶,默塞德河,冬季。Half Dome, Merced River, Winter.

这是一个多风而寒冷的的冬季。This is a windy and cold winter.

黑熊在冬季蛰居过冬。Black bears hibernate in winters.

利润在冬季达到了最高点。Profits reached a peak in winter.

除此之外,冬季里充满无穷乐趣。Besides, winter is much about fun.

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一些昆虫在冬季蛰伏。Some insects slumber in the winter.

青草经过漫长的冬季后能重新生长。Grass regrows after the long winter.

那么,你要怎么抗击冬季抑郁呢?So how do you beat the winter blues?

一些话语也将在冬季凝聚成冰。Some words will be sealed in winter.

这条船在整个冬季被冰封住。The ship was frozen in for the winter.

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这是冬季里的一个寒冷的礼拜天。It was a cold winter’s day that Sunday.

那个港口一到冬季就会封冻。That port is iced in during the winter.

冬季就意味着更少的工作量。Wintertime can mean a smaller workload.