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我知道自己罪孽深重。I know I'm sinful.

他的精神和罪孽深重。He's spiritual and sinful.

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我是个罪孽深重不干净的女子…I'm an unchaste and sinful woman.

她是有罪,但并不像表面上看来那么罪孽深重。That she was guilty, but not as guilty as it appeared.

英国、法国、西班牙和葡萄牙都罪孽深重。British, French, Spanish and Portuguese were all guilty.

他告诉我们要分开,罪孽深重的行为,而是要照顾所有。He tells us to be separate from sinful acts, but to care for all.

如果你与小我认同,必会认为自己罪孽深重。If you identify with the ego, you must perceive yourself as guilty.

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一个例子路德观念,被发现在该科对人的罪孽深重的条件。An example of Lutheran concepts is found in the section on man's sinful condition.

布拉基斯在这场悲剧中罪孽深重,新共和国把多尔夫绳之以法,布拉基斯逃之夭夭。Consumed by guilt over the tragedy, Brakiss fled while the New Republic brought Dolph to justice.

虽然我的记忆在衰退,有两件事我记得清楚——我是一个罪孽深重的人,基督是我的救主。Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly. I'm a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.

父母坚持认为他的生活方式罪孽深重,和他们内心深入所坚持的宗教信仰水火不容。The parents insisted that his “lifestyle” was a grave sin, incompatible with their deeply held religious beliefs.

只有当以赛亚明白自己罪孽深重,他才能感谢并接受上帝的赦免和洗涤。Only when Isaiah understood the depth of his sin could he appreciate and accept forgiveness and cleansing from God.

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但若是受到恳求的基督自身,用罪孽深重的人心的话语,来给予立即的回答,又将如何?But what if it were the supplicated Christ himself who gave immediate answer in the words of the sinful human heart?

关于朱莉亚对罪孽深重的感情爆发和马奇梅因临终独白的处理,我心里是犹豫不决的。I have been in two minds as to the treatment of Julia's outburst about mortal sin and lord Marchmain's dying soliloquy.

他看到虽然上帝的子民要为自己所遭遇的一切负全责,但是上帝并没有永远地弃绝这个罪孽深重的民族。He sees that only God's people are to blame for what's happened to them, yet God hasn't rejected his sinful nation forever.

我说不出话来。我也很无脑,就像美国政府一样。这是令人垂泪的、针对美国人民的罪孽深重的犯罪。I am speechless. I am also thoughtless, like the U. S. Government. This is a crying sinful crime against the U. S. American population.

以一个家庭人质,以帮助他,他的作品就绕过了炸弹的安全锁定,这样他可以使用它的最罪孽深重的美国城市。Taking a family hostage to help him, he works on bypassing the bomb's security lockouts so he can use it on the most sinful of American cities.

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这在当地引起了他们征聘的男子们对其信念的怀疑,即西方文化和科学是罪孽深重。It's aroused suspicion locally for some time with its recruitment of young men and with its belief that the western culture and science are sinful.

而世间贪欲却不断侵蚀这些无罪的花朵罪孽深重的人却在判断著是非曲直凡人却把天使控于股掌之间啊!天庭的深处怎麽有愤怒的雷鸣在搅动!The want that saps their sinless flower Speaks judgment on sin's ministers. Man holds an angel in his power. Ah! deep in Heaven what thunder stirs.

宽慰的是活着,但他非常内疚罪孽深重的失败告诉全部真相,高文的腰带上佩戴他的手臂,提醒自己的失败。Relieved to be alive but extremely guilty about his sinful failure to tell the whole truth, Gawain wears the girdle on his arm as a reminder of his own failure.