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那就让贵族议事会公开宣誓。So let the council swear publicly.

我希望把我的看法记入议事录。I want my disagreement to be minuted.

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大牛,这里就是议事厅了。Daniel, this was the administration hall.

渊源,你知道议事厅前地在哪儿吗?Yuanyuan, do you know where Senate Square is?

主席告诉她说她已违反了议事规则。The chairman told her that she was out of order.

将…记入议事录,将…记入备忘录。To record in a memorandum or the minutes of a meeting.

比恩议事是纳斯头领的冈根高级会议的一员。Rep Been is a member of Boss Nass's Gungan High Council.

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他们甚至修改了皇家议事录,取消了他的名字。They even emended the royal journals to remove his name.

缔约方会议须根据其议事规则开展工作。The work of the COP is governed by its Rules of Procedure.

作为一种政府的手段,阻挠议事的行动非常难以理解。The filibuster is an incomprehensible device of government.

巴人阴阳洞――游击队在巴人阴阳洞开会、议事之处。Luna& solar Cavity of Ba people where guerilla held meeting.

厚此薄彼之议事方法,不足取也。Procedural methods that are not impartial are also insufficient.

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英国议会议事录每天记录议会的进程。The proceedings of Parliament are published each day by Hansard.

比恩议事是冈根人中较为显赫的奥托洛人。Rep Been is a member of the more prominent Otollo race of Gungan.

议事厅里大家七嘴八舌地继续讨论这个案子。In the court, the ministries discussed the case by varying opinions.

前为议事厅,中是宴会厅,祭把厅在后面。Before the Chamber, in the banquet hall, offering the hall at the back.

若他想进行欺骗或妨碍议事,那茨万吉拉伊先生随时可以退出谈判。And if he cheats and filibusters , Mr Tsvangirai should simply walk out.

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在古代,它可是个处理大事情的议事厅。In ancient times, it was a town hall where important matters were handled.

这时,国王的全部大臣和后宫眷属均聚集到宫廷议事厅。All the king's ministers and his full court were in the royal meeting hall.

欧洲仅仅需要一个在日程表上把议事一项项勾掉的人吗?Does it want someone who is just going to tick off the items on the agenda?