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太极散手是太极推手技法的延伸。Taichi Sanshou is the extension of Taichi push-hands exercise.

2008年被邀请做为中国散手道协会顾问。In 2008 he was invited as a consultant in China Sanshou Dao Association.

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太极散手实战用法是太极推手技法的延伸。Taiji Free Fight Actual Combat Skill is the extension of Taiji push hand skill.

本文所述技术规格是从武术散手实践中总结出来的。In this paper, the technical specification is summed up in Wushu combat practice.

散手运动员的反应主要属复杂的视觉——运动反应。Sanshou sportsmen's reaction be-longs chiefly to complex sight-movement reaction.

散手是武术对抗性项目之一,技击是武术的本质属性。Sanshou is one of the antagonistic events in, Wushu. Fighting is its intrinsic quality.

太极散手是太极推手技法的延伸。Chinese and English Introductions Taichi Sanshou is the extension of Taichi push-hands exercise.

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亚运会武术比赛分为"套路"和"散手"两个项目的比赛。In the Asian Games, martial arts are contested in 2 styles – exhibition and sanshou, or free sparring.

而另一类则称为“散手”,参赛选手要在穿戴上护具后进行格斗。A second form of wushu competition, called sanshou, involves fighting -- and a fair amount of protective padding.

国家二级武士,国家级武术教练员和裁判员,散手道黑带五段,尤善太极拳。National Class warrior, national martial arts coaches and referees, the sixth paragraph of Sanshou Dao Black Belt.

高水平的速度训练,为散手运动水平的提高奠定了坚实基础。At the same time, this kind of training can lay solid foundation for the improvement of the overall fighting level.

旨为当今武术散手运动的发展,探寻指导理论。The purpose of this study is to explore the guiding theory for the development of the Free Fighting in Wushu of today.

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散手运动员早期训练最佳年龄,决定着散手竞技水平的高低,也决定着未来散手运动员的发展前途。The choice of the best age of the Sanshou players decides their competitive ability as well as their future development.

许多散手运动员在平常的训练中对技术掌握得很好,但在比赛中却发挥不出应有的技术水平。Many Free-boxing players have a good command of skill?while in competition they cannot give full play to their clue level.

国家二级武士,国家级武术教练员和裁判员,散手道黑带五段,尤善太极拳。National Class warrior, national martial arts coaches and referees, five sections of Sanshou Dao Black Belt, especially good tai chi.

自然门实战博击与其散手一样,讲究的也是内实丹田、外示神勇、不抱打势、自然而来。The Actual Combat Fighting is the same with other free fighting. It emphasizes the solid of Dantian. It looks brave but not fighting. It is natural.

采用测试与统计分析等方法,对散手运动员一般身体素质与专项运动水平之间存在的相互关系.进行分析。By measurement and statistic analysis, the relationship between general physical fitness and special athletic level is analyzed in the present paper.

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运动员的战术能力是其竞技能力的重要组成部分,散手战术训练是现代散手训练中不可或缺的主要内容。Tactic ability is a very important part of competitive ability and tactic training has become one of important parts of modern Sanshou training system.

通过调查研究发现,正踹腿、侧踹腿和鞭腿是散手运动中最实用的腿法。The investigation and research has revealed that kicking the bucket directly, on the side and whipping legs are the most practical kicking methods in martial arts.

散手比赛则是对抗赛,分为不同重量级别比赛,以运动员的拳法、腿法等技术项目评分。In free sparring, players compete in various classes of weights and the performance and participants are scored on their technique, including striking and footwork.