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她想独占他的时间。She tried to monopolize his time.

他们认为他们应该得到独占权。They think they deserve exclusivity.

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垄断,也称独占,它是市场竞争的结果。Momopoly is the result of market competition.

贵族们试图独占政权。Patricians tried to set up a political monopoly.

但他的合伙人想独占所有的钱。But his partner wanted to have money all to himself.

独占镇静剂市场的制药公司。A drug company that dominates the tranquilizer market.

他愉快地觉得他独占了她。He had such a pleasant sense of proprietorship in her!

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当然,假文凭或虚报学历的情形并非中国独占。To be sure, fake or credentials aren't unique to China.

特许经营权通常给予受许人指定地区的独占权。Franchises often give exclusive rights for a specified area.

逛暗娼他也想独占,因为他有钱。Even in brothels he wanted to monopolize because he had money.

他似乎把遗传学的这一部分变成了他的独占领域。It is as if he has staked out this bit of genetics as his own.

这棵树长得太大了,独占了这小庭园。The tree, which had grown too large, dominated the little garden.

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很多电影制片厂想要买下这个故事的独占权。Many movie studios wanted to buy the exclusive rights to the story.

独占垄断或销售的手段或方法的人。Someone who monopolizes the means of producing or selling something.

职业化的主要动力是工作独占权The Primary Motivation for Professionalization is the Monopoly of Labor

因此,应用程序假设对数据库进行独占访问。Therefore, the application assumes an exclusive access to the database.

在沦陷区,则一切被日本帝国主义所独占。In the occupied areas everything is in the hands of Japanese imperialism.

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等待影响所有进程事件的进程是非独占的。Processes waiting for an event that may concern any of them are nonexclusive.

那么你怎么知道,那个你想独占的魅力男人,在他的欲望名单上没有其它的女人?So how do you know if your have-it-all hunk has other women on his wish list?

通常磁带设备是由一个应用程序独占使用的。Usually the tape drive is reserved for the exclusive use of that application.