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玛丽在她的小指上戴了一只戒指。Marie wears a ring on her little finger.

摸一下你手掌的小指一侧。Feel the little finger edge of your hand.

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如今,小指戒指有了手链与之搭配。Pinky rings have met their match in wristbands.

一个强盗注意被杀的女孩小指上有一个金戒指。One of them noticed a gold ring on the murdered girl's little finger.

让小指粉色的一边最靠近镜头-这里是手最薄的地方。Show the pinky side of the hand to the camera – it is the thinner side

他听后大笑,用拇指和小指比量一下对我说“只会很少一点”。He laughed and he said'a little bit'meansuring with his finger and thumb.

定量指标又分为大指标值和小指标值两种。The quantitative index is divided into bigger index value and lesser index value.

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关于右小指肌腱断裂手术后问题!!!!Rupture about tendon of right little finger the problem after the operation! ! ! !

Nicholson将它的小指插入有着毛绒绒颜色的肉中。Nicholson sticks his little finger into the eye of meat, the colour of velvet plush.

展体用你右手小指一侧打击墙壁。Unwind and strike the wall with the little finger edge of your stiffened out right hand.

我的拇指可以卷包在其他手指上,然后用我的小指顶住棍子的底部捉紧它。I can wrap that thumb over my other fingers and then secure the grip at the bottom with my pinkie.

我一边说着,一边埋头看着手里柠檬水瓶子,试验着要转多少圈才能用我的小指把瓶盖打开。I looked at the lemonade bottle as I spoke, tracing the circle of the opening with my pinkie finger.

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你从下图也能看到,将手转动,让小指粉色的一边最靠近镜头可以让姿势看起来更柔美。As you can see below, turning the hand with the pinky closest to the camera improves the pose slightly

用潮湿的小指梳理眉毛,暗讽某男士有女人气。And smoothing an eyebrow with a dampened little finger used by males to denote effeminacy in other males.

欧文将两个小指放到口中壮色添声地发出了一声刺耳的口哨声。Irvine thrust between his lips the little finger of each hand and lent to her efforts a shrill whistling.

传说,只要月老在两个人的小指绑上了红线,这对恋人就注定会结为夫妻。Legend, just joking in both pinkie attached to a red line, the couple are doomed became husband and wife.

它很可能发生在1.5毫升的锥形塑料离心管里,这种离心管“比我的小指还小。”It will most likely be in a 1.5-milliliter tapered plastic centrifuge tube “smaller than my little finger.”

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接着,还有,科比在上几周带着他那本应该做手术的韧带撕裂的右小指坚持进行比赛。Then, too, Bryant has played the last few weeks with a torn ligament in his right pinkie that needs surgery.

牵着你的小指,这就是一个小型的拥抱。再用拇指“盖个章”,我们的缘分就在指间注定!Hold your little finger, it is a small embrace. To build a chapter of thumb ", "our fate in the fingers doomed!

用你伸展的手掌的小指一侧进行打击,着力点在小指根部到手腕。STRIKE with the little finger edge of your out-stretched hand from the base of your little finger to your wrist.