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这小孩着实聪明。The boy is really clever.

这着实更让他厌烦。This annoyed him even more.

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不过马奇亚维利的名字着实已泛滥成灾。Machiavelli's name is everywhere.

她面色红润,身体健康,着实可爱。She was admirably rosy and healthy.

我着实以在南非莱利银行工作为荣。I’m truly proud working for Nedbank.

那你就着实是个傻瓜,青蛙王子。Then you truly are a fool, Prince Frog.

王冕看书,心想也着实明白了。Wang read, thought is truly understand.

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那种感觉着实很棒,而且会改变我们。That feels really good and it changes us.

大家对葛瑞格工作的愤怒着实让我伤心。The furor over Greg's work breaks my heart.

这种内心的刚强着实让人叹服。This kind of strong heart is really amazing.

她在晚餐时点沙拉的行为也着实吓到我了。She scares me at dinner too, by ordering a salad.

庚桑楚遇到了这样的学生也着实头疼。Gengsang Chu felt uneasy when facing such a student.

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我们做梦的时间,梦境是着实的,对纰谬?Our dreams, they feel real while were in them, right?

着实抱歉这么晚还打电话打搅您,但是事变告急。Sorry to bother you this late, but it's an emergency.

但吉布森称这着实不短诳小我都管用。But that's not going to work for everyone, Gibson says.

但是在这个阴郁的学科领域里着实常见。But they are particularly common in the dismal science.

奥斯丁的感染力着实宽泛。The breadth of Austen's appeal is indeed extraordinary.

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干枯的河床,着实不感谢感动它的过往。The dry river-going to bed finds no thanks for its past.

中国民生银行的历史着实鼓舞人心。THE story of China Minsheng Bank ought to warm the heart.

我们太思念尼斯了,远离她这么久着实让我感到痛苦!We missed Nessie so much and it hurt to be away form her.