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抱歉,现金交易不赊欠。Sorry, cash only. No credit.

这家商店概不赊欠。No credit is given at this shop.

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您知道人家都不肯赊欠了。You know well that people refuse me.

在市场上,他们给你赊欠。In the market, they give you credit, " said Desjardin."

我们和他打了这么久的交道,他会相信我们,让我们赊欠一两个星期的。We've traded there long enough to make him trust us for a week or two.

而对赊欠经营发展机制的归纳,以及应用博弈理论对赊欠双方行为分析,也是一次尝试。While it is a attempt to summing up its development and to analyze it in game theory.

特殊使用期间没有退款或赊欠,除非适用法律有所要求。There will be no refunds or credits for partially used periods, unless required by applicable law.

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许多小公司被迫借债和允许赊欠,因此破产,一蹶不起。Many small businesses are forced to take loans and give credit on which they smash beyond recovery.

有些进口商慑于经济萧条,拒绝客户赊欠。Some importers were frightened by the economic depression and refused to extend credit to customer.

另外,目前美国企业可以为应缴的境外税金申请赊欠。In addition, at present US firms are allowed to claim a credit against their American taxes for foreign taxes paid.

如果增加的对价属于现金以及支付或赊欠的其他资产,变动的金额需要在损益中确认。If the additional consideration is cash or other assets paid or owed, the changed amount is recognised in profit or loss.

在这样的情况下使用信用卡,实际上是花费未来钱,过后可能无法把赊欠的款项付清。Using the credit card in such circumstances is essentially spending future income which may not be payable in full later.

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美国的税收制度充斥着免税、减税和赊欠,这些制度能使顾问产业发长,但侵蚀着经济的能量。America's tax system is riddled with exemptions, deductions and credits that feed an industry of advisers but sap economic energy.

在国外使用信用卡,由于欠款常常需要很长时间才入账,无息的赊欠期会更长。Using the card abroad, where items frequently take a long time to be included on your account, can extend this period even longer.

应付账款的增加意味着某些购货是赊欠的,而应付账款的减少则意味着前期的购货在本期予以支付。The increase of accounts payable indicates that some purchases are owed, and the decrease of accounts payable indicates that the prior purchases are paid in this period.

对业已产生的赊欠款应加大催收力度,加速资金回笼,杜绝资本沉淀,保持常态的正常的资本运营。It must be the industry produces more of the outstanding debt collection efforts to speed up capital , put an end to capital of precipitation, maintaining a healthy capital management.