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至理名言不会来!Words of wisdom will not come!

“画如其人”是至理名言。"painting as the person" is the maxim.

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这些至理名言你可要谨记在心。You must bear in mind all these wise sayings.

“生命在于运动”,这是一名句至理名言。There is a famous proverb"Life lies in movement".

他写作文时经常会用上一些至理名言。He usually uses some famous dictums in his articles.

但赵丹阳或许可以得到巴老为他量身定做的至理名言。Danyang Zhao but perhaps he can be tailored to Balao wisdom.

谁知道,不过别忘了,黄口孺子往往能说出至理名言。You never know out of the mouths of babes and sucklings , remember.

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所以,在这个假日的季节,让我们重温吝啬鬼埃比尼泽的至理名言吧。So in this holiday season, let’s remember the wisdom of Ebenezer Scrooge.

她认为的可以给生活带来幸福的三样东西确实是至理名言。Her 3 most important things to live a happy life were truly pieces of wisdom.

整个世界缤纷的颜色和万物的活动都被以为是至理名言。The panoriwima of color and step fill the world is taken for grinitiing ished.

当时,这个关于欧美差异的精辟概括成为一句至理名言。At the time, this pithy summary of US-European differences had the ring of truth.

2002届的毕业生们,最后,我们将留给你们几个词,它们可都是至理名言。In closing, Class of 2002, we would like to leave you with some words of wisdom ?

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“不像她的竞争者,”西勒顿·杰克逊先生说,那神气像是在讲一句至理名言。"Like her rivals, " said Mr. Sillerton Jackson, withthe air of producing an epigram.

我喜欢激励人心的箴言,它们浓缩成短短一两行,却是十分有力量的至理名言。I love inspirational quotes. They are powerful nuggets of wisdom condensed into 1-2 lines.

我没什么至理名言跟大家说,这个家伙用3秒就能看穿我。I have nothing intelligent to say, and this guy will see through me in about three seconds.

他是一位伟大的先师,他的至理名言影响各国许多人。He is a great teacher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.

柯察金那段至理名言,我们每个青年都应当牢牢记住,并把它变为自己的实际行动。I think every youth of us keep this in our minds. let's turn it into reality with our deeds.

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如今,伯南克是美联储的主席——他2002年的演讲读起来像是最后的至理名言。Today, Mr. Bernanke is the Fed’s chairman — and his 2002 speech reads like famous last words.

王永庆的许多经营管理思想,都已成为企业家们信奉的至理名言。Wang Yung-ching of a number of management thinking, have become entrepreneurs believe in the wisdom.

于是,所罗门王找来了最有智慧的几位老臣,向他们讲了那个梦,要求他们把那句至理名言想出来。Then the king called his most knowledgeable ministers, talked about his dream and asked them find it.