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然后,我开始祈祷,感谢上苍给了我新的一天。Then I pray, thanking God for another day.

上苍给你一件礼物,就是今天有八万六千四百秒。God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today.

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斯达巴克把它看作是冥冥上苍的一个阴森森的警告。Starbuck sees it as a gloomy religious warning.

梅格感激上苍将如此宽宏大度的邻居赐给了她。Meg thanked God for a neighbor as forgiving as He was.

十八年来,朕一直在祈求上苍的宽恕。For the past 18 years I have begged for your forgiveness.

林奋高举起拳头,向着上苍吼出他的胜利。Fists high above his head, Lim shouted his victory to heaven.

一旦寻到最后的真爱,我会感谢上苍让我还活著。As long last love has arrived. And I thanks God that I am alive.

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让我认识了你。感谢上苍,路丝,我市那么感激它!It brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose, I'm thankful.

别忘了,上苍随时都在为我们准备着另一扇门。Don’t forget God always keeps an alternative door open for every one.

这就是我的生活。我发现活着是值得的,如果上苍能赐予我第二次生命,我愿欣然笑纳。This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and I would gladly.

风霜雪冻看似上苍的惩罚,而实际却为生命注入洪福。The seeming punishment of winter is providing, in reality, invaluable aid.

许多中国人相信福禄乃是上苍所赐。Many Chinese believe it is the gods who grant good fortune and opportunities.

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更有甚者,他们天天为仍然拥有这一天而感谢上苍。Some even seem to have an incredible appreciation for everyday they have left.

我一直在思考上苍为什么要让如梦的青春在之乎者也中消逝。I've been thinking about god why want to let the dream of youth in the who and die.

并且它帮教我们更多依赖团体中的他人与上苍的力量。And it teaches us to rely more on the fellowship of others and on strength from God.

让人在浸受了一个漫长的寒冷之后,沐浴在了上苍所赐于的这种温情脉脉。Baptist by people in the cold after a long, bathed in a God has done in this tender.

上苍赋予我们记忆,将往事留住,以备寒冬腊月之时,仍有温馨玫瑰可赏。"God gave us memories so that we might have roses in December. " ------ J. M. Barrie.

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直到上苍给予她时间来处理自己的悲剧,凯伯才开始恢复。Kelb couldn't begin healing until nature had allowed her time to sort out her tragedy.

我打开电视看到了报道,我就在洛杉矶,感谢上苍我一切安好。I turned on my TV and I saw it, and of course I was in LA, perfectly safe, very grateful.

马克思主义让现实世界神圣化,唾弃向上苍寻求安慰的旧有习惯。It sacralized the real world and spurned the old habit of finding consolation in the sky.