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Wilson在几个小时内鼓捣出一堆StringIO的测试规格。Wilson hammered out a bunch of StringIO specs in a couple hours.

他还说别鼓捣电话机,可是,我想我是把电话拨到澳大利亚去了。He also said don't fool around with his phone, but I think I called Australia.

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我头如鼓捣嫙嫚嫩嫞,蓄蒐蒗蓖但是仍旧依稀记得,我希望那是敏镐的车。With my head ringing, I slightly remember thinking, 'I wish that was Min ho's car.

她很是喜欢她的工作,主要就是修修台电机,她并不“聪明”却喜欢用自己的双手在家里鼓捣机器。She was " not clever ", but was fond of using her hands and felt at home with machinery.

我花费数周时间鼓捣这个博客的外观和感觉才让我感到满意。I played around with the look and feel of this blog for several weeks before I was pleased.

他在马车的后面支起了一个铁砧,然后从一个油乎乎的工具箱里鼓捣出一个小机锤。At the back of his wagon he set a little anvil, and out of an oily tool box dug a small machine hammer.

68岁的隆巴尔有些腼腆,曾经是电信工程师的他,以鼓捣技术为乐。The somewhat shy Mr Lombard, 68, is a former telecoms engineer who delights in playing with technology.

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当时,她把所有的东西都堆在我们的卧室里,我则整天在农场里鼓捣这些玩意儿。She used to assemble all the things in our bedroom.I used to play the things all over the day on the farm.

如果你不喜欢鼓捣计算机,也不喜欢深入研究,那Ubuntu就不适合于你。If you're not a computer tinkerer, and you're not willing to do research and digging, it may not be for you.

尽管像制造厂等商业机构已经成了第一批客户,Carrier仍不停地鼓捣他的发明。Although commercial outfits such as manufacturing plants were the first customers, Carrier kept fiddling with his invention.

写写画画对他的儿子来说太文弱了——他宁愿我鼓捣鼓捣汽车或做一些他认为适合男人干的事情。That was too soft for a son of his — he would have preferred me to work on cars or do what he considered to be manly things.

因此,黑猩猩很有可能用打字机著出一部哈姆雷特,倭黑猩猩只能鼓捣出南方公园了。So, infinite common chimps on infinite typewriters might churn out Hamlet. Infinite bonobos would more likely produce South Park.

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第一件应当被做的事是关闭这个国家正在鼓捣这些致命的反转录病毒的所有试验室。The first thing that should be done is close down all laboratories in this country that are dealing with these deadly retro-viruses.

正当我和钟歌云里雾里、如痴如醉、呻吟喊叫的时候,突然哪里又传来一阵阵鼓捣声。When brother Zhong and I groaned and yelled like dementia like drunken in the clouds and fogs , there suddenly emerged a pack of knock sound.

它似乎正从矮树丛中抽取木头鼓捣着什么,表面看去那是一个高达四英尺的怪玩意,圆球用矮树上的茎蔓将它扎成四方形轮廓。It was making something out of wood from the bushes, tied together with tendrils , a queerly shaped framework about four feet high and roughly square.

照宝马的汽车架构主管汉斯.拉特格贝尔说法,这里大多数诸如鼓捣鼓捣空气动力学或即时泵入冷冻剂这种小改动。These are mostly “easy things” like fiddling with aerodynamics or pumping coolant “on demand”, says Hans Rathgeber, BMW’s head of vehicle architecture.

几支部队也可能在鼓捣这个激光目标指示器时受伤,这东西比起非致命性武器来说,杀伤力更强大。Several troops may have been injured while monkeying around with laser target designators, which are substantially more powerful than the less-lethal devices.

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她很是喜欢她的工作,主要就是修修台电机,她并不“聪明”却喜欢用自己的双手在家里鼓捣机器。She enjoyed her work, which consisted chiefly in running and servicing a powerful but tricky electric motor. She was " not clever ", but was fond of using her hands and felt at home with machinery.

对着英国12000个承认的档案鼓捣完后,Boyce和Moore依据收入搞了个排名,还拿这个排名与他们对生活满意度的回答做了比较。Working with a data set of 12, 000 adults in Britain, Boyce and Moore assigned a rank to each participant based on income, and compared these positions to their answers on life-satisfaction surveys.